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question on car rental

I got a quote today from ACR (Athens Car Rental) for renting a van for four days from the airport. We are intending to drive to Nafplio for four days and then return the van to the airport. The price seems reasonable to me but I have two questions. (88 Euros a day but 3% more to use credit card--which I thought was interesting. In US, it is very difficult to rent a car without a credit card).

  1. It has CDW included which Rick Steve's website says to avoid. There is a deductible of 700 Euros. We have a deductible of $500 at home so not that far off. But it does seem more risky to me to drive in Greece for four days than in the United States for four days. There is no way to reduce it to 0 from reading the website.

When we went to Spain some years ago and rented a car, we bought CDW separately over the internet. I know from checking that our credit cards and insurance do not cover European cars.


  1. This is a van. We have a van at home so that part is not an issue. I know the first part of the road is a modern four lane highway. But what about the rest of the driving? Would having such a large vehicle be a problem? We plan to go visit the usual tourist sites around Nafplio as well.

Also, we are staying in a Vacation by Owner rental in old town which from reading reviews I know doesn't have parking. In Spain, we ended up parking in very challenging parking garages (and that was with a small car!) Would we face the same problem in Nafplio?

We could rent two smaller cars. That, of course, has the problem of keeping track of each other so other things equal, would rather not. So that is my question--would having a van cause issues with driving and parking?


Posted by
3365 posts

Re CDW -- Do you mean Rick Steve's website in General, or his Greece site?. All the old hands on the 3 other Greece forums usually advise taking the CDW coverage included, even if one's own credit card provides coverage. Might be different if your residence is in a nearby country. However, when from N. America, there is 7 - 10 hours time difference. Not a problem w. fender-bender, but if it should be something bigger, and at 7 PM Greek time you'd have to contact your insurer ... and it would be midnight to 3AM in N. America. how sure r u of getting fast action when y ou're in a "situation"?? Just saying

Regarding parking, how can people to give advice when y ou don't say WHICH Old Town you mean?? I can think of at least six Greek cities that have a section called Old Town. I had to go back back back to previous threads to confirm you mean Nafplio. Remember... recap, recap. Anyway, on your Nafplio map(on your bookmarks or in a guide), you will see that all along the port there is a huge open concrete area, all free parking. Of course in August it will be full, but I recollect you'll be there in May sometime .... as long as u arrive not too late in the day, you can find a place. It would also help if you said where in Old Town your VBO place is; for instance if you are "up above the crowd"... there's a parking square up a ramp on other end of Old Town . up by Zigomala street.

Regarding a van -- any roads you are likely to take to any well-known ancient site is being taken regularly for small-group tours that use vans.

Posted by
2607 posts

I didn't mean to confuse regarding which old town--I had said that we were going from Athens to Nafplio in the first paragraph so neglected to repeat this information. But am very glad to learn that there is parking in lots not garages! I still remember my husband in Granada, Spain having to go get the attendant to park our very small car because he couldn't cope any more with all the blind curves going down! (not that I could either) Also, I had not thought of all the buses and the like that go to popular ruins. So thank you.

I probably confused the issue by bringing up Rick Steve's advice regarding CDW. The rate I was quoted does include CDW but there still is a deductible of 700 Euros. My real question is whether it is whether having a deductible of 700 Euros is just what you have to do in Greece. I know that my car insurance in the States will provide no coverage. I asked when we went to Spain and rented a car.


Posted by
3365 posts

Mea Culpa -- my eye skipped right OVER the word Nafplio ... and I can't even blame it on eye-flaws; had cataract surgery and now have the eyes of a young girl! My apologies. About the $700 after CDW, I dunno. Didn't have that with a car. Maybe because it's a Van, you think? Try to live with a little bit of anxiety ... that's a great rate, and a lot easier than trying to caravan w. 2 cars.

Posted by
16894 posts

Rick does not advise against CDW. You need it if you don't want to be responsible for the whole value of the car. Since your credit card doesn't provide it, and credit card coverage in general is picky about the size of a van rental, that means purchasing either from the rental agency or a third-party insurance company. To get rid of the $700 deductible, they may offer to sell you even more coverage at pick up, although I see what you mean, that they don't mention that option.

What you don't need to buy is any additional liability insurance for damage to people and property outside the rental car. The European requirements are already met by the car owner (the rental company).