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Price of Gas in Greece

An article in The Greek Reporter (Anna Wichmann) dated March 9, 2022 has us rethinking our driving route for an upcoming trip to Greece. High coast of fuel is another thing to consider when planning an itinerary.

“Gas prices have risen so much in Greece — just as they have in the rest of the world — that it is cheaper for an Athenian to take a flight to Paris than to drive to the northern city of Thessaloniki.

The average price of one liter of unleaded gas in Greece has risen to 2 euros ($2.21), which is equal to about 7.50 euros per gallon, or a stunning $8.28.

This marks an increase of 40% in prices since the beginning of the year.

This dramatic price increase means that the average person driving from the Greek capital of Athens to Thessaloniki, a distance of 501 km (312 miles), would have to spend 220 euros ($242) in gas for a return trip to the city.

Combined with the cost of tolls along the way, which total 64 euros ($70) round trip, a drive to and from Thessaloniki is more expensive than a trip to and from Paris, which is available from Athens for 220 euros ($242) round trip.“

Note: tommyk5 has posted a link to the article in his reply. Thanks!

Posted by
3648 posts

As far as I know, the price of gas in Europe has always been drastically higher than in the U.S. I may be misremembering, but I think that when we were in Denmark in 2006 it was $9/gallon.

In my opinion, this is a case of “it is what it is.” If driving is the most convenient way to get around, just do it. Sometimes it can be the only way to do what you want to do. And, btw, the cost of flying from Athens to Paris is irrelevant if where you want to go is Thessaloniki.

Posted by
3280 posts

All good points Rosalyn! We’re fortunate that we’re not driving great distances between stops!

Posted by
7195 posts

I did a driving trip around France 10 years ago (2012), and at that time gas was running around 6.00 to 6.50 Euros/gallon. So yes, gas has always been quite a bit higher in Europe. And now with the current oil situation it stands to reason it will be higher still. A shame, but it is what it is.

Posted by
6113 posts

It’s only a matter of time before the airlines increase their prices and introduce fuel surcharges. Crude oil prices are at a 15 year high, so this has been passed on to the consumer. It will cost more to transport goods to shops, so prices will increase.

Electricity prices have also increased, making electronic cars more expensive to charge up. Plus they are far more expensive to buy in the first place. I have an electric car in the U.K.- it’s cheaper to charge at home overnight on cheap off peak electricity than to buy fuel at a pump for an ICE car, however, if I need to use a rapid charger on a longer journey, it’s more expensive than putting fuel into a similar sized car.

We need some heating oil and the price we were quoted yesterday is more than double what we have previously paid.

Increased heating costs will at some point push up the price of accommodation.

Living and travelling is going to be significantly higher this year.

Posted by
2267 posts

On a percentage basis that increase is similar to what we're seeing in the states.

Also worth remembering that the average European car is far more fuel-efficient than the myopic American thirst for SUVs that seat 8.

Posted by
34583 posts

plenty of hyperbole in that quote to make a point. Pretty poor mileage on that example car too.

Take my 4 year old Honda Civic. Fabulous car. Unless doing all urban driving or mountainous, my car gets just about 500 miles (not km) to a 50 litre tank. At 2€ per litre 624 miles would run me around 125€ in diesel.

Posted by
1253 posts

The price of fuel in Greece and most other countries have always been much higher than in the US.

I assume it will be even worse now with the current world situation.

However, most European cars are much smaller and more fuel efficient than US cars so that helps but if you are planning on renting a car in Greece you may have to get the smallest car you can. I always get the most economical car available and it's more than sufficient for most of Greece's roads.

There's always the bus but it does limit where you go and schedules may not be the most convenient.

I'm still planning on renting a car and am saving my pennies!

Posted by
9085 posts

My brother just reported gas at $3 a liter in Portugal. I think that anyone planning a driving trip must include the price of gas as a decision factor on driving vs public transport.

Posted by
34583 posts

£1.70 per litre of E10 petrol at my closest supermarket which roughly equates to US$2.23 per liter. At 3.79 litres per US gallon that's about US$8.45 per US gallon. That's the cheapest. I have seen it 15 and 20 pence more per litre today here in central England.

Posted by
7352 posts

Very much a "first world problem", but it's really a catch-22 situation for me at the moment: high car rental prices make it too expensive to take the train and rent a car at destination vs. driving from Paris (where I have a car I can borrow), and high gas prices make it too expensive to drive anywhere far.
Of course I am lucky enough not to have to drive every day. I am just back from another location of my company in Brittany, and many of my colleagues there live 20-50 miles away from the will be painful for them!

Posted by
346 posts

It is painful to see the increases for people who need to travel for work. For me:
I am 73 and have not been able to travel for two years due to the pandemic. How many active traveling years do I have left? We have a tour booked for two weeks plus a couple of days where we are renting a car. It's a small car so I expect decent gas mileage. The price of this trip, including insurance and Covid testing,etc, is already well past $10,000. So another $100+ for gasoline to see sights I dreamed about is going to just be what it is.

Posted by
15806 posts

I bought gas here in Israel a week ago. I paid $2.17/liter which was $8.24/gallon. I told my family in Chicago where they're paying around $4/gal - just to make them feel better about their "high" price. Gas here is always about the same as Western Europe and about twice as much as the US, though it depends where. I paid about 50-60% more for gas in California last year than in Chicago.

I drive a Hyundai i30 (Elantra in the US), a small 4-door hatchback. I've had about the same mileage since I bought it 7 years ago. When it's almost all highway driving, I can get 14-15/km per liter. When it's mixed with a lot of city driving, but no rush hour slow downs, it's 12-13/km.

When I travel in Europe I prefer to use public transportation but every once in a while I rent a car to visit an area that's not convenient/efficient otherwise. I'm taking a car this month for a week in Tuscany/Umbria.

The prices are what they are. I'm so grateful that I have the time, the money and the health to travel. And because of Covid, my travel fund is larger than usual.