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Pregnant and traveling to Greece…food help?

Hi, everyone. I recently found out I am pregnant and will be between 8-10 weeks on our 12 day trip. With all the different foods you need to stay away from in pregnancy, I was wondering if anyone had any insight on pasteurization in a Greece? Some of the things I’ve found online are 10+ years old, so not sure how reliable they are. I would love to have some Greek feta but not sure if it’s pasteurized? Same goes for milk also. I assume the eggs are not pasteurized as they are in the US, as most countries don’t do that anyway. Thanks for any tips!

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8324 posts

Pasteurization is important for killing bad bacteria and organisms. Important for milk, most milk in Greece will be pasteurized, even ultra pasteurized for shelf stability. Yogurt and Feta, through the process used to make is rendered safe, so enjoy, basically, in the process, the milk is heated prior to culturing or curding, so by default pasteurization. Eggs likely are not pasteurized (nor are most in the US), I assume your Doctor would suggest avoiding uncooked eggs regardless, for cooked eggs, Pasteurization is not critical (the cooking addresses that).

I would certainly though run your thoughts by your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner.

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10810 posts

Last century when I was pregnant in France, I was warned verbally and in written literature to eat only well-cooked meat. I never had that warning when pregnant in the US. I ate all kinds of cheese in both countries when pregnant, no warnings back in those days.

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In my pregnancy doctor didn't allow me to eat outside raw vegetables (like lettuce) and sea shells (raw) I think that you will not have problem with something else.