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places to stay in Greece

my husband and I are going to Greece in September.... Staying in Athens for 2 nights and in Santorini 3 nights and mikonos 2 nights ... mid sept 6th through the 19th
any suggestions on where to stay... we want to be close to everything.. and we don't mind staying in an apartment, but if anyone can make a suggestion on location and lodging... that would be great... would like to say within a budget on no more than $150 per night. We love sight seeing beaches quaint towns and night life.

I also need advice on traveling between islands and athens.

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3365 posts

How many are "we" ... is it a couple, or 2 friends? We'd just be doing guesswork without more key info, ie:

EXACT DATES and TRIP LENGTH -- When you say "in September" this is too vague. Many places drop hotel rates mid-september so it matters. Also 7 nights ... is that maybe only 6 days?Tell us Exact DATE and TIME of DAY you arrive ATH airport, and Exact DATE and TIME of DAY your homebound plane departs. (NOTE: don't count arrival day unless you arrive before 10 am, and don't count departure day at all.) if you are coming to Greece from another European Country, or leaving Greece to visit another place in Europe, tell us that too. All this helps us give you better advice

CHOICES -- Are you choosing Santorini & Mykonos because they are the only ones you've ever heard of? Or because your main interest is late-night clubbing?? They are the 2 MOST touricized islands in all of Greece and twice as expensive as most other islands. I can understand that Santorini is a must-see for first timers, because of the Famous Caldera View ... but Mykonos may not live up to the hype. On these isles, $50/double is a challenge! Also you don't really tell us interests -- nightlife? Are beaches important? If so, cut a day off Santorini (its beaches are black grit), and add the day to Island #2). Is Mykonos a "must" or could you do another island that's lively in September, like Paros, that would be quicker to reach from Santorini and half as expensive?

TRAVEL -- As the old saying goes "You either spend time or money" -- and since u don't have much of either, this is a challenge!
if you really just have 7 days flat, doing ferries can eat up whole days. It could take you 8-9 hours (and $60-70) to take a ferry to Santorini... vs 45 minutes by plane. But -- Depending on DATES -- plane could cost either $40 or $250!! See what I mean?

Share more -- lots of specifics; how many/ age range/ what's of interest/ what's NOT of interest -- & we'll try to help

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1379 posts

Hate to be a wet blanket but $50 per night (for we) seems a challenge for anyplace with a central location that is nice. The exception may be a hostel - try If you're willing to stay outside of central Athens look in Piraeus (the port). We stayed there 2 nights last Spring for $60-70 per night. It's a short subway ride into Athens and your jumping off point to the islands via ferry. Another suggestion, stay 3-4 nights in Athens and pick either Santorini or Mykonos for the remaining 3-4 nights.

Posted by
3365 posts

OK, now give me the dates and times of day .... you want some advice ... so supply the needed details. BTW, about "quaint towns" if you mean towns that are not totally touristic, you won't find them in Santorini or Mykonos ... but if as a 2nd island you choose Naxos or Paros, there's a chance.