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Passenger locator form question

Hi Everyone,
Thanks to all the feedback from this forum I was quickly able to string together a trip to Greece at the last minute! Today I tried filling out the passenger locator form and I did get my QR code BUT, I will be traveling with my 19-year-old son and 16-year-old daughter. I was able to add my son as a family member to my application but there was no option to add a second family member so I added her as a non-family member just so that she appeared on my application and I mentioned in the comments section that she is my daughter but I added her as a non-family member because there was no other option to add another family member.

Did I mess up? I've heard horror stories about dealing with German authorities and I am worried they may not accept this when we stopover in Frankfurt and attempt to board the final leg of the flight to Athens. I'm not sure whether I should fill out another passenger locator form for her so that she has a separate QR code or just leave things as is.

Any one encounter the same problem and, if so, what did you do and did it work?


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87 posts


Did you try to log back into your PLF account and click on Modify ?
Normally you should be able to add 4 members of the same family by clicking on" Add Family Member".

Once you've included all Family Members, you click on “Continue”.
then click on “Submit”

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216 posts

I'll give it a try now. Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't know you could do that.

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216 posts

I just tried to go back onto the website and there is no option to log back into your account. The only option is to fill out another passenger locator form and I don't know whether I should do this for my 16-year-old daughter. She is listed on my original form as a non-family travel companion only because, as I mentioned, in initially filling out the form I didn't see any option to add additional family members. Has anyone else run into this problem, and, if so, how did you remedy this? Or, did you have the same problem and get into Greece anyway. I'm concerned because we will be passing through Frankfurt and I know German authorities are pretty tough. I had a friend experience a similar problem and he and his wife nearly missed their flight. They were flying the same route: San Fran-Frankfurt-Athens.

Posted by
216 posts

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried logging in all over again and can't remember how I got there but I will able to get back into the account and add a family member. Really appreciate your suggestion.

Posted by
1252 posts

Yes, Greece has done away with the PLF form so it's another thing you don't have to worry about when going to Greece.

Oh gosh we miss it by a day. Our flight leaves San Francisco on the 14th and arrives on the 15th. From what I can tell also, we don't need a negative COVID test either.