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Nov 17th is an Annual Demonstration day -

I like the STEP program the US Gov't provides so imagine my surprise when I woke up this AM to receive an email that told me the US Embassy in Athens would close around 1:00 PM (or earlier if needed) b/c of an annual demonstration that always ends at the US Embassy on Nov 17th.

Apparently the event starts mid afternoon and continues during the night - we arrive at 3:30 PM this day and based on the research I've done, some years have had violent outcomes. I'm concerned b/c there have already been violent protests this year, a strike for the past 2 days with the metro and apparently some dude got out of jail and people are mad about it. It could potentially be a recipe for a dangerous situation as we land, get our bearings and attempt to go to the hotel.

Obviously we will stay away from crowds, the protest route, public transit and we'll leave our Trump hats at the house (sarcasm).

I'm Rick's biggest fan - I swear I should be on the payroll b/c I'm constantly talking about him but I'm a bit aggravated that this historic protest date is not mentioned anywhere in his book or Athens info b/c I might have flown in a day before/ after to avoid Athens that day.

My question - does anyone have direct knowledge of this event - I've looked for gr websites that might let me know what the agenda is, specific route, anything that can give me more info so we can be sure to stay out of the way.

Thanks in advance - HW

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8304 posts

why not ask the people living there working at the hotel or airbnb host?

I'm Rick's biggest fan - I swear I should be on the payroll b/c I'm constantly talking about him but I'm a bit aggravated that this historic protest date is not mentioned anywhere in his book

You got your impression all wrong; so you don't continue this line of thinking neither RS nor most guide books are comprehensive.

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3 posts

Yep, of course I have contacted the hotel - the email from US Embassy came this AM and the hotel has not yet replied. I'm sure it will be fine but was hoping to hear from someone that had been in town on this date / looking for feedback from anyone that has been in Athen's on Nov 17th

Thx - HW

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1439 posts

Megaro Mousikki, the metro station nearest the US embassy is closed from 3 and Evangelismos and Syntagma, the next two on the line from 5. All 3 are on the line from the airport to the centre.

Generally there’s a fairly orderly March to Syntagma followed by a rally and speeches. There’s then a smaller and rowdier march to the US embassy.

You don’t mention where you are staying but, assuming it’s fairly central, I would probably come in by cab. The driver will just avoid that area. I’d be really surprised if you saw anything in Plaka, the main tourist area, later in the day. If there are ongoing clashes between police and anarchists they will be in the Exarhia district which is away from the area you are likely to be staying in.


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3 posts

Alan, thank you so much for your reply, it was helpful. I'm sorry for my late response but it literally took us 16 hours to get to Athens. I'm sure there are less expensive flights but we have found the Expedia Bundle deals to be rhe best value when we travel to EU from Memphis, TN. We flew to Toronto, then Munich and finally Athens. Your information was helpful when we were deciding how to get to the hotel and we decided to eat in the hotel Thur night (mostly bc we were tired).

Our hotel is .6 miles from the square (I know for sure bc we walked it to see the Sunday parade today). On our way to the nat'l museum, our cab driver pointed out all of the buildings that the protestors had attempted to catch on fire Thur (craziness - you could see the recent black burn areas on signs or buildings on an otherwise beautiful building). The cabbie's perspective was interesting and he and other locals seem to think folks come to Gr from Eu for this. I don't speak Greek but the local news is showing damage and the arrest of many. Could be unrelated but I'm glad I stayed away and I suggest the same for anyone searching this topic next year.

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1439 posts


Your taxi driver was right. There were 16 arrests of which only 9 were Greek. The others were French, Italian, Lithuanian and an Iraqi!

Enjoy the rest of your trip. Hope the weather has improved.
