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2603 posts

Some practical information about the new Piraeus station.

The new station (line M3 coming from the airport and passing through Syntagma Square) is underground, unlike the current line M1.
The Piraeus port station is not the terminus of the line. The terminus is the next station "Dimotiko Theatro".

From the airport there is a train leaving every 36 minutes to Dimotiko Theatro.

A few details for those who are worried about how to do when you have luggage.

Arriving in Piraeus station there are two possible exits (displayed in Greek and English): "Kallimasioti Cost" which leads to the docks via escalators.

Or "Odissou Square" which leads to the square in front of the building of the other M1 metro line. This is the square that anyone who has taken the metro in Piraeus already knows.

To reach the ferry docks from this square you will either have to cross the avenue on foot or take the pedestrian bridge which passes over the avenue. From the metro platform access to Odissou square and the pedestrian bridge is via escalators
There are also elevators that allow you to go to street level and also to the pedestrian bridge.

The price of the Airport-Piraeus journey is still €9.

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1157 posts

Is this a replacement from the Proastiakos regional train that always did provide direct airport-Piraeus service, or is that still an option? The article said the new metro line would take 55 minutes, which is only about 5 minutes faster than Proastiakos.