The situation in Naxos is more understandable if you know a little of its history. Naxos was relatively undiscovered by the affluent until recently (thank heavens) ... because its harbor doesn't aaccommodate cruise ships, its small airport doesn't take big jets (in fact, no jets at all)... and it wasn't a Mecca for Celebrities (again, thank god). Therefore, it had neither rich people nor huge tour groups ... mainly independent travelers of modest means. Therefore, the accommodations on or near beaches tended to be family-owned hotels, some with just 10-12 units, the larger ones no more than about 40 lunits, 3 floors... many popular units of "stludio tlype" -- BR, lvingroom, kitchenetted, balcony. Very few had/have pools, with wonderful sandy beaches out front.
Thus, when an Upscale Market emerged, with a demand for Villas, all the property near beaches was full. Building Villas with numerous rooms, perhaps pools meant building far inland, in areas not close amenities like coffee shops, cafes, shops of any kind... and not on a route of the Island's otherwise v good bus network. Therefore, people who fall in love with Naxos v illas find themselves needing to jump into a rented car constantly. It's good to remember the Naxos mantra -- Location Location Location. HInt: if you start early in your hunt lyou can often get side-by-side units... and its often better anyway... your parents get familyl tme and also privacy & quiet for naps... and no need to share bathrooms.