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Naxos - Getting around


I wanted to get an opinion on getting around Naxos. I have two kids with me. Is it advisable to get a car from day one or only on the day(s) I want to drive the island ?

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3445 posts

Shanda, you won't need a car every day at all. but we can help you more IF you'll just say a bit more. When will you be there (exact date) and for how long? What area are you staying in?? How old are kids? Do you need automatic shift? Here are reasons:

• If you'll only be there for 2-3 days, just enjoy the beaches and the port town. The first day you'll want to do the beach, then maybe explore part of the town before or after dinner (walk out to the arch for sunset). Another day u want to go up to the tippy-top -- maybe kids don't want to see museum (altho its AWEsome for its prehistoric marble statuettes)... but they will love the "Kastro" - medieval fortress with windows for cannons... like a movie set!! The winding "maze" lanes will intrigue them.
• Automatic shift cars are in short supply, DEFINITELY must reserve ahead, online (google rental agencies).
• If kids are very small u need to bring car seats or negotiate their supply by rental agency.
• Good bus service every hour (every half-hour in July-August) connects beach towns w. Port town & back.
• If you want to be able to explore the island in just one day, it can be done if you start early .... and remember, if you have teens, it's pure H-ll to get them up before 9 or 10 am!! (Another reason knowing age is important)
• If you'd like to do a round-island swoop, it's good to start at 9 or before.... and Island offices are slow to get started in the AM (Greeks eat dinner at 10pm, stay up late!). If u come in at 9 am for your reserved car, you mmight not get behind the wheel until 10. Therefore, it's smart to pick up your car the night before!! Those rental agencies typically do business until 9 pm or later -- when you book, tell them you want to get the car at 7 pm. Pick it up & park by your lodgings... then in the AM you can get started smartly as soon as the kids have eaten their cheerios.
• It's always smart to do some homework beforehand -- what are the main sites. Then when you pick up car, have the agency mark your paper map thoroughly. TIPS: - At very top of island Appollonia has Gigantic fallen statue outside BUT the road from Skala to that village is VERY winding w steep switchbacks to drive! U may want to stop at Skala. A place not on map u might like to have agent mark: A Marble-Finishing Plant (sawing giant slabs in open-air building)... you can pick marble tiles up off the ground.

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20 posts

Thank you. This is the most extensive reply ever. I have two kids 6,7 with me.

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1515 posts

Well Shanda you are still being a bit tight with sharing information.
Where are you planning to stay. If it out on one of the west coast beaches you might want to rent a car from the get go. However as Jan says if you are staying in town or at St George beach a car is totally unnecessary until you want to take a day and explore the island.
While jans tip of renting the car the night before you want to travel you have to make sure your hotel has parking nearby. Naxos town have very little parking. st George has two free lots.

The public KTEL bus system is very functional and you can easily just take the bus up to one or two of the mountain villages. In fact if its just you and the two kids thats probably a much better idea than renting a car. You see because the roads are narrow and mountainous the driver has to keep eyes on the road 100 percent of the time. A second adult with a map is also essential. The local bus takes care of all of that for you.
There is also a full day round the island bus tour. Might be too long for the kids though.
Here is what Naxos is like
Naxos Mountains and Villages
Naxos Town
Trip around Naxos

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20 posts

Thanks for all the reply, I am sorry I am still kinda new to this board , so here go the details. We are staying just of the St. George area. The west coast beaches. Like I said in my previous posts, I have two kids 6,7 so I know how to tailor my fun. Hang out at the beaches in the day time and go into town for the dinner. I suspect bus service should be a good option.

We are renting a car for two days towards the end of the trip to go to the villages etc. Should be fun over all.