Approximately how much is the taxi fare from Adamas Port, Milos to Plaka, Milos?
By taxi about 10/12€.
Since there are few taxis in Milos, in high season you may have to wait at the taxi rank close to the Adamas bus station
The bus to Plaka costs 2€ (to be paid when leaving the bus)
There is a bus approximately every hour depending on the time of year
Thank you! We will be arriving at Adamas Port at 20:40 (8:40 pm) on May 8. We are staying in Tripiti, near Plaka. Because of our arrival time, I think it's best to take a taxi. The distance doesn't seem that far, but I have not been able to find out about how much it would cost.
Anyway it seems that there are no buses after 6:30 p.m. in early May.
As you will be arriving on a small Seajets catamaran, there shouldn't be too many passengers looking for a taxi.