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luggage in car concerns

Hello all,

Will be going to Greece (Athens, Meteora and Thessaloniki) in a few weeks with 8 people. We are wondering how much we should be concerned about our luggage when in between hotels? We will have a couple days where we will need to check in later so the stuff has to stay in the cars (i.e. our first day in Athens)

We will of course always carry the actual valuables with us but clothes and bulk items will need to stay in the suitcases. Is breaking in and theft as much an issue there as it is in some of the bigger cities in the US right now?

I had considered a long cable lock to join the suitcases but I'm not sure how much good that will do or if it will invite curiosity.

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11726 posts

Ask the hotel where you will be staying to hold your luggage until you check in. Do this especially in Athens. We have done this many times.

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6 posts

That won't work for the first day in Athens, we'll be staying at a monastery and can't go there until evening.

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5363 posts

Please add some of your arrival/departure details so we can make suggestions.
When I traveled through the Peloponnese (small towns, archaeological sites), I did not concern myself with this, but I would not take the risk in Athens or Thessaloniki--especially if you are talking about a van where luggage will be in view (not two cars with trunks, right?)

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11726 posts

Book arrival the night before. Then wouldn’t the monastery hold your luggage on your arrival day? If not, perhaps change your reservation to a place that will,

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6 posts

We will be in athens on a Sunday and again on a Wednesday.

Two rental cars, hatchbacks, so yes, it will be somewhat visible.

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2899 posts

Leaving luggage visible in Athens is not a good idea. You need to do something different.

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11726 posts

No maybe! Choose a car where you can leave your possessions out of view. If the car they give you doesn’t have out of view storage, request a different car.
Do not leave anything visible in your rental car ever. You will asking for a break in and theft of your belongings. Replacing your things in a foreign country is a HUGE hassle. We have had to do this.

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6 posts

ok I just discovered lots of storage lockers. I guess since we don't have them in the states anymore I assumed no one had them. I think that may the best bet for us. Seems cheap enough, there is even one right in the airport.

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4 posts

It;s better to ask the hotel to keep the bags for you for a while, or have them at all times with you. propably nothing bad will happen, but you have to be careful. Bags and suitcases have valueable things, and someone might try to open them or steal them.
Be careful and have a nice day!

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6 posts

yes that would be ideal but as I noted, we are not staying at a hotel, it is a monastery. We cant impose on them by asking them to hold our bags while we spend the day in the city (plus it would mean a 1.5 hr round trip to do so).

I think lockers are our only choice.