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3267 posts

I've always wanted to see a performance at one of the ancient Greek theaters.

Thank you for posting this Alan!

Posted by
1430 posts

Sharon - you’re welcome.

Performances at Epidavrus are great. It won’t be the same on TV but hopefully we’ll get some of the atmosphere. And hopefully we’ll all get back to Greece live someday!


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12052 posts

The play will be live-streamed at 9 p.m. Athens time (GMT +2)

That makes it 11 AM on US west coast.

Posted by
34242 posts

Thanks for the tipoff. We will be watching the stream here in England. We can't get to Greece but we can bring the festival here. Thanks so much. Without your post, Alan, I wouldn't have known anything about it.

Posted by
1430 posts

Nigel - again, you’re welcome.

I make the start time 7 here in England and we’ll be watching in (hopefully) sunny Brighton. We even have some retsina!


Posted by
34242 posts

Good luck with the sun in Brighton this Saturday evening. Gonna be a washout here in Northants by all accounts.

We live in hope. Just don't wash the car.

Posted by
34242 posts

the amphitheatre is live on youtube now

Posted by
3267 posts

Yes Nigel!

It's thrilling to see people arriving and seated - waiting for the performance to begin!

It looks like the weather is perfect!

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34242 posts

a dramatic and most excellent production

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34242 posts

fabulous just fabulous.

the subtitles were perfect.


Posted by
12052 posts

Thank you Alan for finding and posting this.

Just making an observation--- at the end when the credits ran and the audience was visible I saw One, (1), person with a mask.

Not so long ago that would not seem unusual, but oddly now it does.

I wonder if there was a video screen for the audience to view the 'subtitles' ( or is this not meant to be a tourist thing?)

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34242 posts

did you hear the announcement in Greek and English about how they were to leave by section and row, maintaining social distance and wearing masks?

In the half hour or so before it started the focus was on the audience and most entering were in masks (no scarfs) and close to the camera stage left was a sanitizer station. I also saw staff - all wearing visors - moving up and down the steps of the amphitheatre on mask patrol.

I also noticed at the beginning that the seating was assigned with cushions in family groups and several seats gap between groups.

I think they did the best they could have done

Posted by
12052 posts


I did not see the beginning or pre-show ( it was about 20 minutes in when the light bulb went on in my head and I tuned in)

I did hear the announcement on the exit procedure and it was at that time saw the audience.