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Is a 55 minute Domestic Connection in Athens Enough?


Planning a trip to Corfu in the fall. We have a 55 minute layover on the way home in Athens coming from Corfu. Is a 55 minute layover in athens with a domestic connection enough (single ticket/ same airline) but we have a infant with a stroller.

US passports end destination is ROME
Corfu - Athens
Athens - Rome
55min layover plane is in same terminal

Posted by
23562 posts

If you are only walking gate to gate assuming your first flight is on time, should be fine BUT --- Is it one ticket and are you headed directly to the US from Athens? Not enough if coming home. You need to go through exit immigration.

Posted by
11731 posts

Is Corfu to home all one ticket?

Where does the plane that departs from Athens land?.

Unless you are on a single ticket your chance of success is slim.

Posted by
2200 posts

If you return to the USA from Athens after a Corfu → Athens flight, it is not a domestic connection but a domestic to international connection.

For this connection (with 2 tickets) a two-hours minimum arrival before the flight Athens → US is recommended.

Check with your Athens → US airline for the minimum arrival time before departure.

Posted by
43 posts

The question has been asked many many times. And the answer for the most part is the same. NO. It is highly recommended that you be in Athens the night before your international flight. Weather, strikes, late plane can easily disrupt your connection. Your plane is 10 minutes late leaving Corfu and you will miss your international flight.

Posted by
2200 posts

If it's with a single ticket then the airline can do it, they wouldn't have sold you the ticket if it wasn't possible.
If you still miss your flight from Athens, the airline is supposed to find you seats on the next flight, and cover accommodation + meals if there is no flight on the same day.

When traveling with Aegean/Olympic there are connection ambassadors to help you with your transfer

Posted by
3390 posts

why why do people not specify their country? If jlwhite is from UK or Europe he/she is OK, because Agean has flights there... if from Canada/USA, more problematic. We are not sure if "same airline" means Aegean or an international "partner" airline.

Posted by
3 posts

US passports end destination is ROME
Corfu - Athens
Athens - Rome
55min layover plane is in same terminal

Posted by
7396 posts

@ JoLui's response is really the best answer there is to your question.