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Holidays in Greece?

We're traveling to Greece for 10 days after Christmas. That time will include three holidays, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, and Epiphany (January 6th). My question is, are those three days all major holidays in Greece, such that we should not plan on traveling on those days?

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1399 posts


When you say travel do you mean bus? or ferry? or by car?

Inter city buses on the mainland run pretty much as usual on New Year's Eve. On New Year's Day there is a restricted inter city service but some buses run, and I would guess the same is true on Epiphany.

In Athens buses and the metro run until around 11 on New Year's Eve, and pick up from around 10 on New Year's Day. Again I don't know about Epiphany but I'd be surprised if there was no service at all.

If your thinking ferries then the easiest thing is to just search the timetable for the relevant day.

Be aware though that services are often disrupted by the weather at that time of year.

Have a great trip. We always spend Christmas and New Year in Greece and find it a really nice time to visit.



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3 posts

Thanks, Alan, for your advice; I should have been more specific. We were thinking of renting a car, that's what I wondered would be open. Suppose - if not - I could just do it the day before and stash it somewhere until leaving town on the 1st. Thanks for your help.

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8672 posts

Do they observe those days as holidays? I though the Orthodox Christmas and New Years were on different days

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3 posts

It's my understanding January 1st is (of course) the same, but the Orthodox Christmas is January 7, 2016. Just don't know to what degree everything will be shut down?

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1399 posts

Greece does mark Christmas, and on 25th December. It's the date for Easter which can vary between the western and eastern churches.

We've been in Greece at Christmas for the last 20 years or so - this year we'll be in Nafplio - and over that time Greece has adopted more and more of the western trappings of Christmas. Nowadays most places are closed and people spend time with their families.

January 6th is Epithany - the arrival of the three wise men with their gifts - and that is marked more in Greece than in the west. Hence another public holiday.

Dave - that doesn't help with whether you can hire a car on the holidays. My guess would be that you can at the airport or a few places in Athens but not anywhere smaller. But it is only a guess.
