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hiking on Naxos and also visiting Delos

I will be arriving on Naxos this Sunday. While there I plan on going on at least one one of the trails around Chalki. In checking out information on the trails I have some questions about footwear. Anyone who has walked this area, will merrell sandals with tread be sufficient or would merrell tennies with tread a better idea? Also walking these trails alone are there any concerns for safety due to terrain or any other reasons? Also same footwear questions regarding visiting Delos.

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5068 posts

Don't know about the trails around Chalki, but for Delos the Merrell Sandals with tread will be ok. Just as a matter of general principal, I don't walk any real hiking type trails alone unless there are other people in the area. On Delos, however, there will be people around should you have a fall, turn an ankle, suffer a cut or something.

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3365 posts

I don't know that shoe brand, is it US or UK brand? Anyway, re safety... no problem on Delos, the island is small and open (no trees to speak of) and filled with tourists, y ou won't be alone. "Stanbr" a frequent contributor, has done quite a few --This album - gives a good idea of the hill terrain ... I joined him & his spouse to explore that ruined monastery, and the #2 koros at a hilltop ... uphill walk but not dangerous, I wore sneakers (trainers) but they wore sturdy sandals. Just be sure you know where nearest road is. In a recent post, he said a good strategy is to take a bus to start-point of your walk ... and take along a phone & a card for a taxi company. When you've had enough, call -- he says taxi back to Naxos town is €10 or less, depending. Another strategy is to know what road is a bus route back to Naxos Town, and check the bus schedule ... the bus will stop when you "flag it".

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165 posts

Thank you for your response! Sounds like either pair of footwear fine. Understand that Delos will have numerous people walking about. Just dawned on me while viewing the pics for the trails near Chalki that if I am alone safety can be an issue.

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3365 posts

As for safety from Bad People ... relax, no bad people on Naxos I have ever discovered. Falling and twisting ankle on a deserted stretch of trail?? Just take a cell phone, there's reception all over island, and have the #of your Hotel or of a Taxi company. You'll be fine!!! The only hazard is being invited into the garden of an elderly lady who speaks no English, and being plied with coffee and fruit. Happened to me... could happen to you!