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Greece in November (Nov.16 - Nov.28)

I am planning to go Greece for my honeymoon, from Nov.16-Nov.28
I got to know that its not a good time, weather-wise, to travel to Greece. But I had this country in mind since long, to visit it for my honeymoon

I want to know how bad weather is it for travel? I know one can not predict exactly, but still, how rainy is it? Is it cloudy for all the second half of November? Any places I should include/exclude?
I am planning this:
Self drive through pelloponnese
Santorini (found a beautiful luxury villa open in Nov. But not booked yet)
Mykonos and/or Crete

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4 posts

The weather is not so bad in November, definitely not for swimming though. Since you will be on your honeymoon you shouldn't miss Santorini, because watching the sunset there is very romantic. Crete is big and has a crowd every day of the year, but I think you should better leave Mykonos out on late November.

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1117 posts

It's hard to predict the weather for November - might be anything from sunny to rainy to windy. In February, we've even had everything from sunburn to snow all in one week.

Generally speaking, the farther south you get, the better your chances for sunny weather. So, if sunny weather is your main criteria, opt for Crete and stay there.

Otherwise, just be prepared, clotheswise, and enjoy your vacation no matter what weather you get. Be prepared for hotel rooms without effective heating. In that February vacation, our room temperature did not get any higher than 15° C, so you really need good warm sweaters.

Personally, I think you are trying to cram too much into those not even two weeks. I'd leave out the Peloponnese and Crete. Athens and Santorini are quite enough to enjoy on a 12-day honeymoon. If anything, you might add an island that is close to Santorini (one of the other Kyklades islands).

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15 posts

Thanks Anna and Butlair, for your replies

I will strike off Mykonos. Also, I understand what you're saying about cramming up too much. I have a total of 12 nights. Exactly 3 nights are reserved for Santorini. Athens will be covered in two parts since arrival and departure flights are from here.
Here's what I have in mind. Let me know if this seems hectic and if I should remove any of it from my plan:
Nov.16 - Land in Athens in Afternoon
17 - Athens
18, 19, 20 - Olympia + one more city in pelloponnese area
21, 22, 23 - Santorini
24, 25, 26 - Crete
27 - Athens
28 - In Athens till evening. Then evening flight back to Delhi, India (Home)

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3344 posts

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials, and best wishes for a splendid honeymoon. We'd like to help you optimize your Greece visit, and you can make this possible by giving us more information, such as:
• Exactly how many days On the Ground? If you're leaving y our home on the 16th (and it may take up to 28 hours "clock time") and departing on the 28th, you actually have only 10 days, not 12. If you've booked your flight or have a good idea of what flight you'll book, please tell us what day AND time of day you'll arrive, ditto for departure. In a short trip every HOUR matters in planning.
• Where are you coming from? It's not dangerous to tell us which country -- and if from N. America, it matters whether it's East coast or west -- very different. This wil help us see how energetic vs. exhausted you'll be upon arrval, thus what is possible.
• Tell us WHY you're interested in Pelops, Mykonos or Crete: from your own research or "friends have told us"? Tell us a bit about the interests the 2 of you have: ancient sites? landscapes? night life? authentic foods, village life? Luxurious amenities, solitude?

My own preliminary thoughts (agreeing with several comments):
• Athens will be the liveliest venue, and a lot of fun in November so you should save 3 days for it, preferably at the end of your trip, UNLESS you arrive after a 25-hour journey, totally exhausted. Otherwise, the end-time is most efficient, since otherwise you must travel TWICE from Airport to central athens, check in/out of hotel Twice. In a short trip, to repeat, every hour matters.
• For 10-11 days, you really have time only for Athens, Santorini, and ONE other place. If it's CRETE, you'd need to fly to Chania upon arrive, spend 4 days (w rental car), ferry to Santorini for 3 days, then Athens for the end. If it's a Cycladic island, you should fly to Santorini, then ferry to NAXOS (which is right next to it, and has a large permanent population... stay right by the port town, and there will be some activities going on). Then fly back to Athens.
• My own personal suggestion would be: Fly to Santorini for 3 days -- Fly back to ATH airport, and rent a car and drive to NAFPLIO. Only 2+ hours away on the country's most modern multi-lane highway, This place is considered THE most beatiful "old Town" in all of Greece -- in fact, it's been called the "proposal capital of Greece," because so many men take sweethearts there for the Big Ask (including a friend of mine, who married a Greek; she said Yes). Nafplio is the favorite "3-day getaway" for savvy Athenians, so it's lively all year round .. and has lots of great dining, shops, etc. Also it's dead-center for Ancient history; famous sites surround it. This superb NONcommercial website tells all -- click on EVERY link, including directions to get there, and "really useful" (where to stay-eat-shop). I know the creator (a Scandinavian expat) and agree w. her choice of Hotel Agamemnon; not super-luxe but the BEST location... & early reserve gets you the BEST front room w balcony on the sea. You can easily spend 4 wonderful days with this as a "base," visiting Nemea, Mycenae, Asine, and going back via the coast road to see Epidaurus & make a brief stop at the Corinth Canal. Then you can finish with sightseeing in Athens.

•This fab Nafplio photo album is by RS contributor, stanbr: pix are in late Spring, but VisitNafplio website shows a video of Nafplio in winter and it's STILL wonderful. BTW, I consider Nafplio sunsets outdo Santorini's more-publicized ones ... and in Nafplio you can enjoy them even in November -- its seafront cafe's have Marquee tent-tops, with clear plastic windscreens and Heaters, so one can enjoy a sundown beverage in comfort.

PS: Santorini "luxury villa"?? Think twice! Villas will be isolated. In Nov, most activity, restaurants open ONLY in Fira Town.

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3344 posts

Aha! While I was writing you finally were divulging some facts that bear directly on planning. All too often it's visitors from India who are overly ambitious, and don't have access to any facts besides internet. Beware -- internet sites too often only emphasize highlights, not the drawbacks and practicalities. This lack of research shows up in your timetable. Three days are totally inadequate for crete, even if you limited yourself to Western Crete -- it is an entire COUNTRY -- 260 Km long - largest landmass in Mediterranean. Santorini is about 25km long. You allot same amount of time. Also, in Peloponnese, Olympia is a 5-7 hour (boring) drive if you don't even stop for coffee... I suggest that if you want to see a "sacred Games site" you look at Nemea -- its the "runner-up" to Olympia, has a fab stadium, temple ruins etc, and is right on the highway route to Nafplio. I"d only say that Olympia is a must-see if you are a grad-level student of Ancient Greece and long to see the sculptures from the (destroyed) Temple of Zeus. Otherwise, not.

Most of all I urge you to get a GUIDE book, Not rely just on internet (promotional) websites for your info. It will add immeasurably to your background & enjoyment. I do realize that Guides in English aren't that easy to obtain (unless you have access to some wonderful used/new English libraries or bookshops) -- but from the UK, there are good fast services like ParcelMonkey ... I recommend highly ROUGH GUIDE to GREECE, used or new (you would not be using guide for current info on hotels & dining, so used-copies from earlier years would be fine.

Posted by
15 posts

Hi Janet
First of all, thanks a lot for the wishes and the subtly saying "Plan properly, you idiot!". Lol
My home is in Delhi, India. My flight duration to Athens is about 12 hours
I will reach Athens on 16-Nov: at 1:35 pm (afternoon). flight not booked yet. but almost finalized. My return flight leaves from athens at 10pm in the night
So I have full 12 nights and 12 days to spend in Greece, even if i exclude full day of 16th.
Why Pelops? Well, my would-be wife is an Architect. The Parthenon and all other structures were a part of her study, so she is already pretty nostalgic about it. Plus, both she and I love road trips. That's why i had a 3-day road trip plan in a way that: cover the architectural wonders in the day and drive in the evening.
Mykonos is already off my plan. I chose Crete based on what I read on the internet blogs and reviews (I confess, my entire research has been on the web)
I am saving 4 days for Athens (including half-day of 16th)
Based on your detailed explanation [and I can't thank you enough for that :) ], here's what my plan is now:
Nafplio; covering Epidaurus and Corinth.

As for Santorini's luxyury villa: the intent for stay in Santorini is practically, do nothing at all, keep activities to the bare minimum

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15 posts

Here's what I have in mind, for a plan:
16, 17 - Athens
18, 19, 20 - Nafplion and nearby area
21, 22, 23 - Crete
24, 25, 26 - Santorini
27, 28 - Athens

Sounds doable?

Posted by
1117 posts

Just a few more thoughts:

Your Peloponnese explanation makes sense to me now, if your wife has a special interest in some of those sites.

I still don't quite see why you would want to pack Crete in those 12 days though. 12 days might be a good start for a Crete-only vacation... Crete is a huge island!

If you have three nights each in Crete and in Santorini, that means you've basically got only two full days for each island. It's absolutely your choice of course - whatever makes you happy, but to me, that would be neither getting to know a place nor having time to relax. For Santorini, it's more than the cruise ship tourists have, sure, but it wouldn't be my idea of a honeymoon on that wonderful island. I hope you've at least got a villa with a caldera view.

I would completely agree with Janet to put Athens at the end of your trip, for an additional reason: I've seen flights to Athens get canceled due to bad weather, and the Aegean can get quite choppy too for ferry boats, so - especially in November - you may want to leave some space so as to not get into trouble with your return flight.

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3344 posts

Somewhat better, but still not doable. You are basing your itinerary on what YOU want, not what is doable. How are you going to get from Nafplio to Crete in a twinkling, and then from Crete to Santorini? Magic Carpet? Walking on Water? (the former was managed by Sinbad, the latter happened near Israel, but both feats are from 2,000+ years ago). Have you checked Aegean Air and (the best ferry search-site)?? There is NO ferry listed either way Crete-Santorini after October (there is a 1x week "lifeline ferry" but takes a day, 10 stops, not listed yet). You would have to fly BACK from Crete to Athens then OUT again to Santorini. I don't think you are considering logistics at all, and that needs to be First consideration, in a trip so far out of season.

I think you need to either give up Santorini or give up Crete ... therefore, X the latter. After Santorini, you could (as suggested before), visit Naxos, next island to Santorini, has interesting history, fascinating Port Town -- both Cycladic AND Venetian architecture, a stunning Kastro Tower, a mountain village w. marble streets, etc etc. Daily ferry, daily flights back to ATH.

You do NOT want to drive in the dark in Greece. In Nov, many museums/ sites (except TOP sites like acropolis) close at 15:00 - 3 pm. Sundown is 17:10 and will be Sudden not gradual. So get where you're going by then... or u may get VERY lost.

• DONT do Athens at beginning AND end of trip.. you don't have time. Here's a possible alternative scenario:
• ATH Airport- arrive 1:30 pm, after passport control, luggage claim. visit to ATM for €€, it's 3 pm (15:00). Stop in Airport's Olive tree for a meal, or across street @ Sofitel hotel, then be on checkin line at Aegean Air by 16:30 for Santorini flight, dep 17:30, arr18:15, u will be at your Santorini hotel by 17:00... if u tell them u are honeymooners, you'll have champagne & snacks as greetng!
• SANTO - Fri-Sat 17th & 18th; on Sun N 19, take 3:30 (15:30) BLUE STAR (large modern ferry. open decks) to NAXOS arr 17:30.
• NAXOS Stay upscale hotel Nissaki beachfront adjoining Naxos town; explore/enjoy Naxos Sun nite N 19, 20-21 .... Only NOv flights are 16:40 - arr 17:30 (DARK), so I suggest 18:00 BLUE STAR ferryNov21 arr Pireaus 23:30pm, 1 nite Piraeus Dream hotel
• NAFPLIO - Pick up rental-car Pireaus 9 am (near to highway out of town) -- this great map shows entire route to Pelops & Nafplio -- click & it gets huuuge!
I suggest jump off highway @Corinth Canal (quick photo op), and then at Nemea (1 hr). NAFPLIO & area Nov 22-23-24 Leave AM Nov 25, stop at EPidaurus. Return car to AIRPORT daytime (to avoid city driving, Metro or X95 express bus to Central ATH hotel.
Nov 26-27-28 -29?? Athens sightseeing.

And I STILL say, buy a guide! Your Itinerary shows Internet still not giving you grasp of logistics. If u are spending $5000 USD on this trip, how about $20 + postage for a guidebook?

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3344 posts

PS: I noticed you wanted to stop at Corinth... are either of you grad-level experts in Ancient Greece archeology? If not, the rubble of Hellenic Greece will not be very meaningful there. Some Christians do "pilgrimage" there because St. Paul preached on a certain platform (dema). The High hill/cliff called AcroCorinth can get superb view of surrounding country & water, but its ruins are mainly medieval/Byazantine fortifications, not particular architectural interest. I'd recommend you save the time, and instead go up on PALAMIDI, the high Gibraltar-style "rock" behind Nafplio that has an amazing fort used in 3 eras, ancient greece, Middle Ages, and even occupied by Nazis WW II. Has 999 steps up front, but u can drive up back way, all us lazy folks do. Superb photo ops.

Posted by
15 posts

Hi Janet

Where were you till now? :D

Ok! So i checked it out (again on the net. I will buy a travel guide soon, i promise. Already looking at it. About to book it. booked it. its on its way)

I couldn't find any ferries or flights from Santorini to Naxos, for Nov. I checked the bluestar website; also checked sea jets.
BUT, I did see flights from Santorini to Crete (heraklion airport). Aegean Airlines; 11:30 - 14:05
So now the reason I would consider Crete is so that I can book the flights well in advance instead of waiting for the ferries to get listed for November. (are you sure ferries would be there in Nov. from Santo to Naxos?)

Here's what i am thinking now (hear me out first):

16 - Arrive athens. leave for Santorini immediately
16 - Santorini. check-in at 19:00
17 - Santorini
18 - Santorini
19 - Santorini
20 - Crete. arrive at heraklion airport at 14:05. Check-in hotel at approx. 15:30
21 - Crete
22 - Crete
23 - Athens. Arrive at 12:15. leave from crete (chania airport).
24 - Nafplion
25 - Nafplion
26 - Athens
27 - Athens
28 - Athens (my filght for home leave at 23:00. so i have this day)

Reason I am increasing stay in Santorini, because the island of Santorini has been my dream. Plus it'd be a perfect way to start out honeymoon
Days for Crete are few, i know. no way i can cover whole of crete. might not even cover all the major destinations. But I have to trade-off, unfortunately

And yes, My max. cap of budget is $5000. all inclusive


Posted by
1117 posts

Now I'm confused.

Reason I am increasing stay in Santorini, because the island of
Santorini has been my dream.

Well then, why not say so from the beginning? If Santorini is your dream, you should plan your trip so that you will really be able to enjoy it. Your newest itinerary is a definite improvement.

Plus it'd be a perfect way to start out honeymoon


Days for Crete are few, i know. no way i can cover whole of crete.
might not even cover all the major destinations. But I have to
trade-off, unfortunately

Your major trade-off is that you are going to be wasting two of your precious vacation days for traveling to a destination that you will not have time to enjoy or get to know. Why would you want to do that? What do you expect to see and do in Crete within those two days that will make the trouble of getting there worthwhile?

Posted by
15 posts

So you suggesting to remove Crete. Two-full days plus one half-day 'might not' be worth spending close to 7 hrs in travel (Santo - Crete; Crete - Athens). So instead of Crete, utilize the same days in Greece mainland (around Athens, maybe)? Any suggestions?

Posted by
3344 posts

That flight you saw from Santorini to Crete is actually Santorini to Athens, get off plane, get on Crete plane fly to Heraklion. It is not direct.

As for the fact that you did not see that Blue Star ferry at 15:30 from Santorini to Naxos -- it is early for that ferry to be shown even on the Blue star website. However, that ferry has run year-round for at least 20 years (I first took it in 1999). That's what's called a "usual pattern of service." There's ANOTHER ferry search site - -- which has a magical "turn back the clock" feature... when you put in your 2 ports, on the little calendar you click the LEFT arrow and roll it back to November 2016, and look, NOT for Nov 19, but for the third Sunday in '16, which was Nov 21 - and PRESTO! Blue Star Delos, 15:30-17:30.

However, if you are set on Crete, fine. Just realize that you'll HATE ugly Heraklion, mainly 6-story concrete flats built after WW II. You can find history but it takes hunting. Hotel Kronos is right on the waterfront, Hotel Leto is fancier & much pricier. Why are you gong there? Knossos & Heraklion Museum? In winter Museum supposedly open until 5 on Monday only; rest of days till 3pm. Knossos supposedly open until 5 daily... If u are deadset on these, arrange for car rental pickup at Airport Mon 11/20 and go DIRECT to Knossos, and only Then to your Hotel. next AM Tues, Nov 21 be at Museum when it opens (8am) and then Scram, outa town, to Chania... about 2.5 hours if you don't stop. Then you'll be in a beautiful setting for 1.5 days util you leave early 11/23.

I realize you have a "honeymoon dream" of Santorini, but be prepared to discover that your dream is based on calendars, postcards and internet pictures, and november is typically rainy or overcast, and if you book a villa it may be isolated, no matter how posh. Even on a honeymoon, you want some sociability. Have you asked your bride-to-be about HER dream?

Good luck in your planning and in your wedding!

YOu can see the Minoan treasures in the Museum, VERY nice for Minoan-buffs, as I am, and take local bus to Knossos, where most were found. Try to get out of town.

Your other Crete option -- the Beautiful town vs the Ugly one -- Is to fly from SANTORINI (also an athens transfer) to CHANIA -- there's a daily plane at 18:50 - chg in ATH - arri Chania 22:20. I'd suggest leaving Santorini SUNDAY night, not Monday

Posted by
3344 posts

I see someone else is trying to talk sense into you about Crete --- how about giving Naxos another try?? If you are worried about a ferry,you might write to a top hotel, such as Hotel Nissaki, and ask them directly they ALWAYS know what ferries will go.

Posted by
15 posts

The only reason I mentioned about Heraklion, is because of the "Heraklion airport". The flight from Santorini to Heraklion airport is cheaper (half the price) than the flight from Santorini to Chania airport.
That's a good idea. I'll shortlist a couple of good hotels (looking at all your recommendations first) and call them up to ask about ferries. If ferries get sorted then, of course, i'll stick to Naxos. It'll be a plus point in a way that i'll get use a new mode of travel.

One-side question: If I was to drop Crete as well as Naxos, will it be worth adding a place or two, on Greece mainland? If yes, can you suggest one/two? I can take a look at that too.

As for Santorini, this forum post blog boosted my motivation a little bit

As for my wife's choice: She is more willing to visit Santorini than I am. She wanted a Greece-Turkey honeymoon (Athens, Santorini, Istanbul, Cappadocia), but had to drop Turkey because of the feedback I received that its not safe to travel to turkey, because of the political instabilities. Plus they have a state of emergency there (its still in place, I think). And yes, you are right, our dream is based on the pictures we have seen and videos and travel blogs we have gone through. But then that's how an idea (or a dream) takes birth. isn't it?
Its because of the weather that I was choosing between Greece and New Zealand. And New Zealand "could" be the right choice as far as weather is concerned. But somehow my mind is fixated on Greece.

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3344 posts

"And yes, you are right, our dream is based on the pictures we have seen and videos and travel blogs we have gone through. But then that's how an idea (or a dream) takes birth. isn't it? " -- and yes, that's how disappointment occurs, when u base a dream on a weather situation thats 6 months different from when the pictures were taken! That's why I kept suggesting a short stay there, and a longer stay in beautiful towns with a lot going on year round (i.e. Chania & Nafplio), unlike Santorini... and you kept "fixating" on Santorini. When no cruise ships, most restaurants closed, no swimming available ... what DO you do during day for 4 days?

As for the mainland, I've already given y ou my choice... Nafplio, and u can always add a day to it. I've been there 7x and still finding things new. I've been to Central & Western crete about 7x about 5 days each ... to Santorini 7+ times, to at least 20 other islands ... mainly in May & September.

Posted by
91 posts

Here's another option, as Crete will be the most likely in November to be warm & has a large year-round population, it won't feel close to being closed like the smaller islands:

2 days only in Santorini - it's such a clichéd tourist trap, picture postcard stunning views of the cubist buildings, domed churches & the calderini, but that's all, unless you like really over-the-top expensive shopping.

Fly from Athens to Chania (several flights a day with Aegean or Ryanair, both inexpensive in November). Spend 3 days in Chania, with its wonderful harbour, old town, plenty of places open & if it is wet/colder then there are several museums or lovely drives to do into the mountains, then drive to Heraklion (under 2 hours) to see Knossos (personally I would go via Gortyn/ Phaistos instead), & get the ferry to Santorini for 2 nights from there, then back to Athens.

Remember in November it can be stormy so you will need a day's flexibility in any program if you are planning on using the ferry.

Posted by
15 posts

Kaeleku - thanks for your reply! Which part of Turkey did you visit on your road trip? Six months ago Turkey was all over the news. So I can imagine if you felt safe then, it would be a lot safer now! But still, can you let me know more? Not just the good things, but problems (if any) you faced. I go to know yesterday that a friend's friend has been living in Istanbul since past couple of years. Will have a word with him tonight.

Hey Janet, Hi Jwugg,
Point noted. So I had kept 4 nights in my plan - that was changed three times (thanks to you (Janet), of course). :D
Listening to the expert here, I can cut it down to 3 nights instead of 4. Its possible that practically it would make more sense to include places other than Santorini. I'd still want to keep it at least as per my original plan (i.e. 3 nights. not more!) I'd add one day to Greece mainland (or in Crete, once I finalizie between Crete/Naxos).
And maybe, if I get to know all is well in Turkey, I'd keep Athens + Santorini; then switch to the two cities that my wife wanted to cover (i.e. Istanbul + Cappadocia)

Posted by
1117 posts

So now you're adding Turkey to your list? Why not Rome and Jerusalem? Should all easily fit into 12 days. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

The fact is Turkey - unlike democracies like say Germany, France or
the UK where there have been multiple recent terror attacks - has
essentially turned into a relatively benign autocracy where the
security forces have much more ability to protect their citizens than
western democracies do.

Sure. Which is why there haven't been any terrorist attacks on Turkey in recent years, and they haven't had a disastrous number of casualties. Not to mention the thousands of people that have been put out of their jobs or have been imprisoned without any sort of trial by this "benign" government itself. :-/

Don't want to get into politics here, but please read up on history and on current events before passing on that kind of "fact".

Posted by
3344 posts

One country. Repeat: 12 days, one country. If it's not Greece, maybe you'll switch to New Zealand, and we can stop trying to make sense of your dream-scenario. It's enough to make me vow never again to answer advice requests from Indian bridegrooms (Yes, you all get married at the wrong time of year for visiting the Aegean, and you all do research mainly on your smart-phones). We have tried our best to share our experience to improve your Greece visit enjoyment. Now please just decide, and read your guide (hey, that rhymes!!!).

PS: Final tip if ROUGH GUIDE is the one you ordered -- you don't have to take the whole big clunky book along. It's laid out cunningly, so that you can (carefully) pull away sections (Cyclades, Pelopponese, Athens, Phrase book, History, Food & Drink) from the backing, put duct-tape to make a "Spine" for each and Presto!! little pocket-size "guidettes." You can read them on that 12 hour flight!

Posted by
15 posts

Thanks all for the guidance. I would stick to "one country", i promise. I mentioned about turkey, just as a side-talk that in the first place, but then went on to talk about it as I heard positive things; plus that's what my wife had in mind.
Earlier I "did" think about New Zealand in Nov. and Greece in April (it's her BDay then). I hope April would be an appropriate month for a visit to the Aegean?
Canceling Turkey not because of any skepticism, but just keeping the preferences in order So, peace Guys! Peace.

One question though: Why such indirect push to "avoid" Santorini? Is it that wrongly marketed ? Not worth visiting? I could sense negative outlook towards visiting Santorini in Nov. Why though? Because of the weather, or if it's over-rated?

Dear Janet, I'll make sure I send you post cards wherever I go. An on-going conversation, filled with side-talks,Nice :)
About the Indian marriage dates, that's (unfortunately) only partially in our hands. We cannot get married on the next sunday of this month; or the holiday for Labor day; or anything like that. There are only a few dates/months that we call "auspicious dates" to get married. . The dates are chosen by the so-called 'preists', and we have to choose one out of the few dates suggested by those priests. As it turns out, almost 70-80% of the auspicious dates, fall within the months of Nov - early Dec. AND Mid-Jan to Feb; then some of them in late April till may. And here, April to July are the months of scorching heat, with the temperature reaching about 45 degree celcius in May; Imagine wearing a tux (or equivalent) in such hot weather. So that leaves most of us with the only the winter dates, to get married. I'd love to shed more light on this, but I think that would be un-related to the forum.

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3344 posts

We understand about the limits on possible dates for marriage in India, due to the strong feelings about "lucky" vs. "inauspicous" dates ... perhaps we are fortunate in the West to be less influenced by tradition and superstition (except perhaps for marrying on a Friday the 13th!). It does put u in a "bind." In y our place, I guess that I would tend to choose a honeymoon destination that is more favorable weather-wise, and save the visits to Greece for the period of April thru October.

You sound puzzled by our lack of enthusiasm for Santorini ... yes it is somewhat over-rated, but in the right season, it is certainly a beautiful "must-see." Yes, it's the weather. we have said this outright. Our negative reaction is that because you have chosen the WORST time of year to visit there, when its noted features will not be at their best, n fact will be at their worst -- yet you keep wanting to insist your dream will wish away the cold and rain. We just don't want you to book overly much time there, chasing your dream, when you could be booking more days in Greek places that have more to offer in February.

Posted by
1117 posts

One question though: Why such indirect push to "avoid" Santorini? Is
it that wrongly marketed ? Not worth visiting? I could sense negative
outlook towards visiting Santorini in Nov. Why though? Because of the
weather, or if it's over-rated?

No such push from me, indirect or otherwise. :-)

The weather is certainly an issue at that time of year. You may be lucky and it's wonderful, or you may not. You will simply have to live with what you get, and dress accordingly.

Aside from the weather: Yes, Santorini is crowded (though I do wonder if it actually is crowded in November!), it's popular, it's relatively expensive, it's on the cover picture of every Greek calendar worldwide... and it is all of the above for a reason: It is simply beautiful and spectacular!
In my opinion, it is absolutely worth visiting, and it is absolutely not overrated.

If I am pushing, it's in a completely different direction:
Vacation, to me, can serve mainly two purposes: relaxation or exploration. If it's to be the former, I'll choose a beach destination and sit in the sun. If it's to be the latter, I get out my hiking boots and my camera.

If it's neither of those two, there's something wrong with my planning. I, for one, do NOT want to spend a major part of my vacation watching the rear lights of the car in front of me or sitting in some other kind of vehicle transferring me from point A to point B.

That is why I said I don't see any point in going somewhere and then moving on so quickly that I don't have any time to enjoy it, neither for relaxation nor for exploration purposes.

So here's my "push": Either choose a place and stay there long enough so you can really enjoy it, or throw it out of your itinerary altogether and leave more space to enjoy the other places.

Posted by
15 posts

Thank you for the advise! Glad to get the basics covered and keep ambitions in check. I will stick to 3 (or no more than 4) cities for a total of 13 days of travel. I had to strike-off New Zealand primarily because of budget constraints.
One last question: If I had to choose between Spain and Greece, which is more suitable weather-wise? Spain comes as a suggestion from my fiance.
My Greek cities are: Athens, Santorini, Naxos, Nafplion [2-3 in Santo, 2 in Naxos; Rest between Nafplio and Athens]
My Spain cities are: Barcelona, Madrid, Tenerife [about 4 days each]
I read about the weather, but theoretically it seemed equivalent in both the lands.