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Glorified ferry?

My husband and I will be in Greece in October 2024 for 2 weeks. We are in our 60s, no mobility issues, but not as adventurous as we used to be. We would like to spend a few days on a “cruise“. We are thinking a day-long cruise to an island and a night (maybe two) on the island, and then back to Athens would work well for us. We don’t want a true ferry because we would like to do some island hopping in both directions. We travel light, but would need a locker onboard for during excursions. So hopping off of one ferry and catching the next, so we could do a quick visit, is not an option. I am afraid of packages from, like, Viator or Get Your Guide, because they can cancel at the last minute.

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11467 posts

We have been to Greece twice totally independently. We took the Greek ferries from Athens to the islands, and from island to island. I don't know what you mean about a "true ferry"? You island hop in Greece on ferries, all types and sizes are available depending on the destinations. You get off on an island, then get on another one after a day or two on that island. There are some connections that can be made with flights but we used 100% Greek ferries. You do NOT need a third party like Viator or Get Your Guide to buy these tickets for you!!!
I am confused by your needing a locker when you have a cabin booked on board.

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3385 posts

You are looking for something that doesn't exist, hoping for it, because it would "work welll for us". If you would stop for a moment & think about it, how could such a "glorified ferry" survive financially? It would take you to an island, but could not continue on to deliver its passengers to other destinations. No, it would wait until evening, or the next morning, in order to take you back to Athens. That is not a ferry ... it is a skippered boat hired by you. If you have the €€€€, and don't mind small vessels, these are available.

This reminds me of another query that sometimes shows up here; a person wants a recommendation for a "non-touristy beautiful beach with no crowds" where they could rent lodgings right on the sand... and also says "we'd like to have some restaurants nearby with wonderful food, and some places with lively nightlife." I always wonder -- where are there beautiful beaches that attract no others.,. and where are there restaurants and nightclubs that can flourish when there are "no crowds."

Are both in the category of "building castles in the air," also called pipe dreams. Reality in Greece is quite nice, luckily, with a bit of research and planning. Going solo before after a planned trip with others,, I've done short "discovery trips" from Athens to nearby islands for 1-3 days... and made my own discoveries. Three or 4 such: Kea, Aegina, Syros, Serifos.

OR you could take a fast reserved-seat intercity bus for 2 1/2 hours, on a major modern highway ... over the Corinth Canal to Greece's MOST beautiful Old Town.. NAFPLIO. It's at the tip of a peninsula, surrounded by the sea, so it can feel like an island. Its a protected Heritage site, gorgeous Italianate architecture, stunning seafront promenade, best sunsets in the Aaegean. Here are some pix by photo ace & top RS contributor "Stanbr" - - and a superb noncommercial website created by a learned "expat", with all details --

All these could provide the "safe adventure" you seek, and are real, not daydreams. Enjoy your trip!