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Flight cancelled due to Munich strike

24 hour strike in Munich Monday. Has anyone booked a flight from Athens connecting thru a different city other than Munich to the US

Posted by
5316 posts

Where in the U.S. ?

Is this flight itinerary on one ticket, Athens to U.S,, or separate tickets?

You may want to check

Have you contacted the airline involved to find out other possible options?

Good luck!

Posted by
4657 posts

I like Matrix ITA website to search for flights. You can filter to specific airlines once results come up, and the transfer airports are shown on the right hand side, so easy to scroll through MUN listing.
I did a dummy check Athens to NYC for Monday and Emirates offers direct, and Turkish Air via Istanbul. Those were the cheapest one way options.
But I find it odd that your airline didn't offer alternatives. Did you phone them?

Posted by
9092 posts

You need to contact your airline right away and get rerouted. Call or use chat feature. I had this happen to me with Lufthansa strike last Sept. I was rerouted by airline and everything worked out fine. Don’t delay contact the airline.

Posted by
1805 posts

You should definitely call your airline. Last December our flight from Marseille to Munich was cancelled so we couldn’t make our flight from Munich to Boston. Lufthansa booked us for the following day with Swissair. We didn’t have to do anything.