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Driving in Paros, Naxos Over age 73

Does anyone know which car rental companies allow age 73 and over driver in Paros and Naxos? Some just say to check box over 25. Some say no one over 65 or over 70.

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Do NOT click on the "75 car locations" area. Go directly to "book online now" and fill in info for trip.. You will get a list of cars at different rental agencies. Pick one and click on the block "Important Info", That will open pages with Popular, Insurance, Driver, Deposit and Fees, Car and Supplier headings. Click on "Driver" and it will give age info and added fees if applicable. If that agency doesn't rent to us geezers or is too expensive, go to a different outfit. Some agencies restrict which cars Seniors can rent, so keep going until you find deal you like. Check all of the applicable info categories to make sure things are okay. The site is an aggregator so has different agencies in different locations/countries. We have used them to find suitable rental agencies in Greece and Italy since we passed 75 & then 80. No problems and the rates are usually less than the agencies own web site. As the various countries own populations age, we notice a loosening of age restrictions. Good Hunting.