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Confused with RS itinerary.

Per website, "Depending on the length of your trip, and taking geographic proximity into account, here are my recommended priorities.

2–3 days: Athens
5 days, add: Hydra
7 days, add: Delphi
10 days, add: Nafplio, Epidavros, Mycenae
12 days, add: Olympia, Monemvasia
14 days, add: Kardamyli and the Mani Peninsula, and slow down
More time: Head to Mykonos and/or Santorini, two of Greece's best islands"

RS says Mykonos and Santorini are two of Greece's best Islands then why doe she add them after 14 days if more time?

Posted by
2530 posts

It means he doesn't think Islands are a priority, but if you would like to include one, consider these.

Posted by
5154 posts

It's written right in the first sentence.... " and taking geographic proximity into account". Have you looked at all these places on a map?

Posted by
2076 posts

Per website, "Depending on the length of your trip, and taking
geographic proximity into account, here are my recommended priorities.

What website?
Never seen such an inept schedule in such a short time..

Posted by
9909 posts

This website. Go to Explore Europe then Browse Countries then Greece , the click on the Plus sign by Plan and Rick has his recommended itinerary there.

Posted by
1667 posts

Rick's itinerary has many one and two-night stays. This itinerary spends very little time in each destination. You will be spending so much time traveling from destination to destination. Is this what you really want?

Posted by
15737 posts

Rick's suggested itinerary mimics his tours. He's hoping that instead of doing the trip on your own, you'll take his tour.

Going to Greece without going to a couple of islands is like going to the Grand Canyon and not looking over the rim.