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Bus from Heraklio to Chania with stop in Rethymnon

We plan to spend two days in Heraklion area and then take the bus to Chania. As Rethymnon is on the way, we are thinking of starting early from Heraklio, take a bus to Rethymno, spend a good part of the day in Rethymnon town and take another bus to Chania in the evening. Looks like there are buses every hour and noticed a luggage storage facility at Rethymon bus station. Any advice on whether it is practical / worth it / any issues?

The website did not mention sizes of the lockers, but hopefully they are large enough to hold a couple of carry-ons and a couple of mid-size back-packs. If the lockers are not big enough, we may lean towards renting a car then as we were planning to do that anyway in a couple of days in Chania. We can look for a convenient public free/paid parking area in Rethymnon for the few hours.

Thank you for your help.

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1423 posts

While we have never stored our bags in Rethymnon we have stored them in Chania. There were no lockers there, just a large room with an attendant. When we returned we handed the attendant our chit and we picked up our bags. I suspect it will be similar at Rethymnon.
Honestly the last thing you would want to do is rent a car and then park it in the old town area of Rethymnon. Often the trunks are small so some of your luggage will be in plain sight. If it makes sense to rent the car and drive to Chania then get the car when you are finished exploring Rethymnon.

For fun here are some images of Rethymnon

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12 posts

Thanks Stan. Hadn't thought of that possibility. Now leaning towards not renting a car and get one only after a couple of days in Chania. We have six days planned in Chania area.

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227 posts

Might I suggest that you just take the bus directly to Chania and leave it at that?

My reasoning is that unless you are staying more than, say, three nights in Chania that there is much more than enough for you to do there to fill that time.

If you choose this option, do any of your other problems go away? Will you still be having an incredible time? The answer to both is emphatically "yes", so why welcome the aggravation?

Some might say, "Oh, but Rethymnon is incredible; not to be missed." Which is true, but you'll also at the same time be passing by dozens of other equally mind-blowing places and shortening your time in Chania.

Pros: Get to see Rethymon for a lil' bit.
Cons: Plenty

I rarely pass up awesome in the hopes of maybe, or maybe not, finding something awesomer.

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1423 posts

Thats a good decision. I did not mention the fact that you do not need a rental car for the first coupe of days in Chania because you might have rented from Rethymnon. Exploring Chania old town thoroughly takes 2 days so the rental car would just be sitting there unused.
For fun here are some images of Chania.
Chania 2024

Chania 2022