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Being too cautious about traveling??

I want to travel to Greece for 16 nights in September, but I'm not sure if that's a smart choice? I am vaccinated, but worried about not being able to return to the US in case I get sick. I currently have 4 vaccinated friends with Covid. Cases are dropping a bit, but I could see them easily rising with August tourism. Being stuck abroad for an extra 2 weeks would not really be possible bc of work. Am I being too risk averse?

Posted by
496 posts

If you test positive you will be delayed returning - regardless of whether you are actually have symptoms. If you can't risk that then yes, you maybe should cancel.

I'm desperate to get out of NZ and hoping to get to Australia (if the bubble opens again) - but we go with eyes wide open knowing we may get stuck there for a month or so

Posted by
1074 posts

I think you have already answered your own question.

I am retired, and the financial cost of being detained is not really a concern for me, and yet I just cancelled an upcoming trip to France out of concerns of a false positive, or worse actually catching covid and getting sick, in a foreign country. I don't have to worry about a job if my delay is returned...but I really don't want to get stuck abroad and confined to a hotel room, more or less under house arrest.

You have more to lose than I did with your job dilemma.

I say punt.

Posted by
6113 posts

It’s no surprise that with Greece opening its borders earlier than many parts of Europe that infection rates would rise and are currently at 88% of its peak and rising, (compared to Spain at 65% and the U.K. at 43% of their respective peaks). Luckily, due to the vaccinations, death rates haven’t increased at the same rate.

You may have to quarantine, but another risk is that your flights get changed. If the infection rate continues to increase or international restrictions are introduced which reduces tourist demand, then flights will be dropped, as happened to me last year. Luckily extending the holiday by 4 days wasn’t an issue for us (it was either that or lose 3 days).

Chances are that if you exercise social distancing, hand sanitizing and mask wearing you will probably be ok, but there’s always a risk. I heard about somebody today that is asymptomatic, had both jabs and has had a positive PCR test.

Do you think that concerns about getting back home safely and on time are going to impact on your trip? If the answer is yes, then if you won’t be able to relax and enjoy it, so postpone.

Posted by
643 posts

No, you are not being too risk averse. You have to make decisions based on worst case scenario of not being able to return to the US because of a positive COVID test and/or being sick. If you absolutely cannot afford for that to happen, either monetarily or by putting your job in jeopardy, then I think it's best to wait.

Posted by
249 posts

Breakthrough cases are becoming more common with the delta variant so you are not at all being too cautious. It’s very dependent on how you plan to spend your trip and how many people you are exposed to during your travels. If you plan on spending most of your time outdoors and interacting with few people, than the risk is much lower, but still there. I think only you can answer the risk level you are comfortable with. But testing positive before returning is completely a possibility (and is why travel insurance is definitely necessary for anyone traveling these days), and if you risk losing your job then that might just be too much at stake for a vacation this year.

Posted by
2170 posts

I don’t think you are being too careful. I would be canceling my trips right now for the near future but I have none scheduled. I share your concerns.

Posted by
8247 posts

I made it two weeks active in Europe by wearing masks all the time in the required areas. I am at the boarding gate in Milan right now on my way to Newark and then back to Chicago. "It is up to you New York, New York..." Go for it. But days before taking that test you need to come back to USA thoughts that you are positive may or will worry you. I had bad dreams and feelings (that was just dehydration) that I was positive while in Italy.

Posted by
21006 posts

You decide.

I just returned from Greece. The airport in Crete was packed like a can of sardines. The streets of the Plaka were full and there was no masking. Vaccine card checks at historic sites were cursory. Restaurant seating was outside but plentiful and tightly grouped.

The COVID testing at the Istanbul Airport before returning home was well run and organized.

Was I worried? Yes a little but I had a good time.

Posted by
255 posts

I just want to make sure everything is open when i go in Sept. Greece promised no lockdowns. I am vaccinated.

Posted by
2518 posts

I understand your concern and am in a similar quandary myself. I’m confirmed for a small group tour for a week in Venice August 27-September 2, arriving 2 days early.
I’m fully vaccinated so my concern is the likelihood of testing positive for my flight home to the US and having to isolate in a hotel room for 10 days. Being stuck in a hotel room is not my idea of fun and with the increasing spread of the Delta variant, testing positive is happening even with vaccinated people. I bought Cancel for any reason travel insurance which will refund 50% of my costs.

Bottom line, I don’t think you are being too risk averse, I think you are smart. The virus is outsmarting us daily and conditions in various countries seem to change daily.

I have created a list with two columns for Pros vs. Cons for taking my trip. I am now going to add a weight of from 1 - 5 to help me come to a rational decision. You might want to try doing this for your decision process. Your job likely carries a heavier weight.

Good luck and good health. May your travels go smoothly.

Posted by
4691 posts

Sorry but the bottom line is, you should only go if you're ok with the possibility of testing positive and having to quarantine in Europe. That doesn't sound like a possibility for you since you have to be back for work.

Posted by
21006 posts

Judy B, its not 10 days, its till you test negative. That could be weeks. That being said, my next trip is October. Read the data on your odds of contracting COVID, and choose what you will be comfortable with.

Posted by
2178 posts

I thought I remembered hearing that Greece was just added to the list of counties to which it is recommended US citizens NOT travel. I just Googled to double check, and I remembered correctly. It is now a Level 3 -"Reconsider Travel" country.

To answer your question: No, I do not think you are being too cautious about traveling.

Posted by
8265 posts

My advice to anyone contemplating travel is that unless you can deal with the potential of your itinerary being scrapped day one, maybe having to change plans on the fly, not get upset if museums and other venues close, possibly have to live off takeout and groceries as opposed to restaurants, and suffer a potential delay in return for a week or more...then stay home.

This is not the travel environment for a tightly planned fully laid out itinerary.

Posted by
80 posts

I am also thinking about changing my plan to travel to Greece in September. Looks like situation in Greece not very good and probably get worse before getting better. I am am thinking going to Italy instead. Looks like they have more strict measures in place and lower level of infection, albeit raising. Technically I can work from hotel room if I had to be on quarantine but it sucks. Is it supposed to be a special government approved hotel?

Posted by
78 posts

Actually, the CDC just recently raised their Covid threat level for Greece back up to 4 (Very High).
I would think that, by September, tourist in Greece would start to thin out a bit, at least for Americans. Most summer traveling for American families tapers off around mid-August, as they have to start getting their kids ready for the new school year.

Posted by
1 posts

@Paul & Melissa

I'm planning to visit Greece early October, I've already booked hotels where I can cancel free, however I haven't purchased my airline tickets yet! I'm worried if I go travel by ignoring the ODC warning "Do NOT Travel!!!" and what if I will end up of stucking in Greece or something bad happens to me there...!? If Greece closes its borders in the fall?

I'm living in Aurora, Colorado, too! If u guys don't mind, can I exchange information with you guys? I will send you my personal message right now.