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back from 2 week trip to Greece!

We are back from our trip to Greece and I am going to post in Trip Reports but thought I would put some summary comments in this forum.
We had the trip of a life time. We were there for two weeks. There were seven of us—myself and my husband, my husband’s brother, our three kids (21, 25, 27) and my daughter’s husband. We went to Santorini (3 nights), Naxos (4 nights), Napflio (4 nights) and Athens (3 nights—although half our group went home after 2). There was more to do everywhere than we had time but where we would really have liked one more day was Naxos.

Starting in Oia was perfect for getting over jet lag. The only disadvantage of starting on the islands is that it got hotter as time went on and the main land is hotter than the islands. We ended up with highs of 97 in Nafplio and 95 in Athens in the first week of June. We went to the beach in Nafplio and to air conditioned museums in Athens. But I think despite this weather disadvantage that the order was preferable for appreciating Greece.

I had way too much planned than we could do. So my advice would be to plan it and then go with the flow. That may be particularly true with a large group. We ended up visiting a winery in Nemea that we would not have had the contact information for had I not researched it. So you never know when your research will be useful. It was a nice change from visiting ruins.

We did not rush except for one day when we went to Mycanae, Nemea, and the winery. Everyone was glad we did but some people got cross at being pushed to leave Mycanae after two hours. So I was really glad that for the most part we moved at the slowest person’s pace.

We did not insist that people stay together but for the most part we did. My youngest son really wanted to climb the 999 steps to the Palmidi fortress and asked me to go with him at 7:30 am (because of the heat). I told everyone else we were going and they were welcome to join. To my surprise, we had seven people out of the house at 7:45 am.
I found Rick Steve’s guides good for when there was more than we could easily see but that many times we spent a lot more time than he seemed to suggest. It was great for the National Archeological Museum but we spent the entire morning at the Palmidi fortress and it was several of our group’s favorite activity.

We stayed in air bnbs everywhere but Naxos. It was more economical for a group and gave us common spaces to gather. But we had some problems in 2 of the 3 places meeting up to get entrance. In the U.S., lock boxes with combinations that can be changed are common. But we had to meet people which didn’t work completely smoothly. My husband also missed having a desk to help (we all loved Kymata in Naxos) so that is a tradeoff with an air bnb.
We ended up ordering take out about half the time. We had great common spaces in our rentals (and rented roof top room in Kymata in Naxos). It was more economical but also less time consuming than eating out. And sometimes we were just too tired to do anything else.
We rented cars for at least part of the time everywhere. We had reserved a van in Santorini through Vaezos but the van was somewhere else. They gave us two automatic cars instead which we ended up being pleased about. The roads are narrow and the drivers are aggressive. We ended up changing our reservation for a van from Athens airport to two cars.
We rented from Athens Car Rental. They did not have a map for us and we should have gone back into the airport and bought one. They told us where to return the car but upon return it was not clear because the red lane (and we thought they said “line”) was a no parking zone. I have never had to return a car to a different place than I rented it from and I would have insisted in retrospect on being walked to where it was. It was problematic.
But overall, a simply wonderful trip and thanks to all who helped.

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1515 posts

Glad to see you had a good time. When will you start planning a return trip?

Posted by
157 posts

Thank you for all the info, we are 3 couples planing a trip the 1st two weeks in oct. we were thinking of doing the same islands possibly Mykonos, instead Napflio, which I don't know anything about. We are a bit concerned about mykonos being "too touristy", Was hoping you could provide some advice. Do you think it was too many islands to visit, did you feel like you were always moving, did you move by ferry to each island? Love to hear where you stayed in Santorini and athens if you would stay there again?

thanks so much,

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1232 posts

Looking forward to your trip report Beth. We leave in one week exactly, and are going to the same places you did, but with others added on. My plan is to get everyone up early, as Im a morning person and the heat, and well, too bad if they dont like it ;)

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3445 posts

Beth, stanbr & I both knew you'd wish you'd had more time on Naxos, but that is something you learn by experience. On my very first Greece trip, I had planned 3 days in Naxos then on to Mykonos where I'd arranged to stay with a friend-of-a-friend. Every evening, I made a phone call and said, I'll be a day late.. again and again. All told, 6 days instead of 3. You'll know next time!

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3961 posts

Beth, so happy to hear you had a wonderful journey. I had the feeling you would like Naxos.
We will never forget our 6 days on this lovely island! Looking forward to your trip report.

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2948 posts


We did four places in two weeks which felt like the right pace. So you could conceivably do three islands and Athens. I have never been to Mykonos but my impression is it is very touristy like Santorini. Personally, I would consider doing one or the other and then other islands. We loved Naxos but have heard great things about Milos as well.


It was because of you and Stan that we spent as much time as we did on Naxos. We spent one less day on Santorini and came home one day later. We really needed to add one additional day to the trip to accommodate Naxos but really could not given some of our party's schedule. As it was, half of us left a day earlier from Athens, spending only one and a half days there. If we had stayed longer on Naxos, they would have had to leave after only a half day in Athens. There just will have to be a next trip!

I am working on the trip report...
