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Athens hotel - or Makrigianni

We are spending two nights in Athens in late October. We want a nice, clean hotel around 80-90 euros in the Makrigianni area. Any advice? We do not want the noisy, hustle bustle of Athens.

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3365 posts

That's my favorite area … below the Acropolis, just off the pedestrianized promenade of Dionissou Aeropagitou … VERY convenient, and no thru traffic. Here's a handy online map showing all streets (click & it gets huuuge): Best hotel there in your price range is Airotel Parthenon; Makri just below promenade. 2 others are "sister" hotels Phillopos & Herodion. Some locate these 2 in Koukaki, but they are really almost in Makirgianni (near #40 on the map).

If the rates on their websites are above your number, check or other online agencies; in October I think you can find a room at your prices -- then if you wish, you could call hotel and say "I found a room at €xx on XXX online agency; will you meet that price if I book direct? Of course they will!. In all 3 ask for high-floor rooms w. balcony, sometimes u get acropolis view. Speaking of that the Acropolis View Hotel is also good. Of course, I recommend reading Trip Advisor Reviews of any/all choices.

For a good list of hotels near acropolis, does a good sorting job; when on their location pull-down menu you specify "Landmark" and then specify "Acropolis" -- they'll give you a list of about 40 hotels within 1/2 miles of Acropolis. This is useful, because too many hotels "fudge" about how convenient they are to walk to major sightseeing locations.

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81 posts

I had my money values incorrect! I meant 150 euros per night. That will probably make a difference!