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Sorry for the multiple question but . . . I'm pushing 80 and not the best walker. I
s the trek to the acropolis really rugged? Does 3 days in Corfu sound like too many? Thanks.

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917 posts

There are a number of problems with the climb up to the Acropolis. It is quite a steep climb and is accomplished by climbing up marble stairs which are very slippery. They are also very crowded with people ascending and descending so it is difficult to take them as slowly as you might like. I climbed them 10 years ago and was extremely glad that I used a cane to assist me. Make sure your shoes have soles that have a good grip.

There is an elevator for disabled users but arrangements must be made in advance….and it is unclear if it is for wheelchair users only or if others can use it. Probably best to contact the park to find out the latest information.

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2076 posts

The Acropolis being on a hill there are necessarily stairs and slopes. That said, since Lesley's visit, improvements were made 2 years ago for visitors by replacing the marble stone paths with concrete (which caused a controversy with architects and archaeologists who say that's a barbaric intervention).

An access plan to the Acropolis is available here:

The old elevator, which apparently often broke down, was replaced in 2022 by a new model and is in principle accessible for wheelchair users, elderly citizens and others with mobility problems.

See the video below:

For all the information regarding accessibility, consult the excellent “This is Athens” guide here: