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Athens Acropolis + Museum Walking Tour Recommendations

I'm looking for a roughly half-day walking history tour for me and my husband of the Acropolis and museum where I can learn about history and maybe some mythology. It doesn't need to be fully private but I also don't want to be part of a large group where we can't easily ask questions or the guide will be so preoccupied with losing one of the members that they spend more time asking if we all have our buddies than actually talking about what we're seeing. Any suggestions?

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2172 posts

I believe you can get an audio guide of the Acropolis on Rick Steves' website. The Acropolis Museum also has a free audio guide that can be downloaded by scanning a QR code in the museum.

Also see Alternative Athens which offers guided tours for small groups.

If you do not want to have the multiple constraints imposed by a guided group tour, you must book a private tour with a licensed guide who are the only ones authorized to enter the sites with you

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3 posts

Dear Fellow Travelers,

I wanted to take a moment to share my incredible experience exploring
the Acropolis last week. Our visit was greatly enriched by the expertise and
guidance of Faye Georgiou, an outstanding licensed tour guide who has
been leading tours at the site for 50 years and an Archaeology PhD.

Having Faye as our guide added a whole new dimension to the
experience. Her knowledge and personalized explanations helped us gain
a deeper appreciation for the historical significance of each area.
Navigating through the crowds and understanding the history on our own
would have been overwhelming, but having Faye there made the visit
much more engaging and rewarding. You can reach her at
[email protected]

I strongly recommend considering a knowledgeable guide when visiting
the Acropolis. The added layer of insight and interactive experience
truly enriches the visit and provides a deeper understanding of the
historical context. Without Faye, we wouldn't have experienced even a
fraction of what we did.

Thank you, Faye, for bringing the history to life and making our visit
to the Acropolis truly unforgettable.

With much appreciation
