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Athen's Combo Ticket Confusion

I would like to purchase a combo ticket for my visit in early Sept. Most of the offers I see are for the Acropolis and 6 other archeological sites, or the Acropolis and the Museum, but not the other sites. Looking for a tip on the best way to see all of these with one ticket:
Acropolis Museum
Ancient Agora
Roman Forum
Hadrian’s Library

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1978 posts

The Acropolis Museum is under private management, tickets can be purchased (15€) on the official website here :

All the other places you mention are included in the combined ticket (30€) which can be purchased on the official website here :

Select a date and time, these must correspond to the visit to the Acropolis. Read the information available by clicking on the question mark.

If you've seen other deals through third-party resellers, read this:

Posted by
128 posts

I didn't know the Museum was separate. That's interesting and I guess it explains why it isn't offered in the package. I looked at the museum tickets and I see they are timed entry too. Any idea if there's a grace period like the Acropolis?

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408 posts

You do not need to buy Acropolis Museum tickets in advance. Just walk up and buy them when you want to go. Any lines should be short and move quickly.