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Agamemnon Hotel Question

My husband and I will be visiting Nafplio in October. I booked 5 nights at Agamemnon Hotel after reading recommendations on this forum. I booked this directly with the hotel via email exchange. They did not take a credit card but stated that I needed to wire transfer 100 euro to their bank account, one month prior to check in.

Is this a common practice in Greece?

For those that stayed at Agamemnon Hotel in the past, did they require a wire transfer to their bank account for the deposit?


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3459 posts

I can answer that because I went thru that ... I like the hotel & rates are so reasonable for a perfect location, I decided I would save them the 5% fee that booking agencies usually charge. So, like you, I booked direct.... and they told me they need a bank transfer. this may be becausse most guests are from Europe or Britain, or other places where arranging bank transfer is easy & cheap, thru some knd of App. Not for us, in US, maybe not for Canada

When I inquired at my biggie bank, they said it would cost me $100+... my jaw dropped. The bank guy said, that's for transferring up to $50K or somethhing like that (I can't remember because was in shock). He said, it's mainly for people doing lots of overseas business. I tried other sources, same answer. So I said, whatthehell, and went to, which took my Visa card just fine. On another island, Serifos, ran into this too.I used its favrorite Greek travel agency, which was fine with Visa.

So I'd say, write an email to AGMMEMNON & say it will cost $100 FEE to send just the small amount, and you would like instead to reserve either thru an onlinie booking agency such as or a greece-based travel agency. Tell them you've been recommended to Fantasy Travel or Dolphin Hellas in Athens. Ask them what they prefer, and ask if -- when they rserve this alternate way, will you be able to get the room c urrently in question.. The reason I say, contact hotel first, is that ifyou go to an booking or travel agency, the records may show that the room you want is not available (because Hotel is currently "holding it" for your 1-night deposit). If you write directly to the hotel manager, you should resolve this. Btw, DO Wr ite the email as a formal letter format .... not a hey! kind of email,. Rather: MAanger, Hotel Agammemon, NAfplio Greece D ear Sir. Greeks respond best to formal and respectful c ommunicaitons.

The hotel has IDEAL location, and v good lobby breakfast buffet, super balconies. Also ... if anyone has mobility problems, one of the few hotels of medium size that has elevator. Hope it works out well for you!

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1526 posts

We stayed at Agamemnon last May. AS I recall they did want a deposit. Because we know them well we did not have any concerns providing the advance payment. I gave them my credit cars number for the advance payment.

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3459 posts

I was perfectly willing to do as Stanbr did, but at that time (2019) they did not have that arrangement. Presumably since then they have had enough backlash that they now accept CC for the advance deposit. If so Hurray!.

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14 posts

Thank you for the quick feedback. I did go back and inquire regarding the use of a credit card. They have since provided a form for the card information. I'll need to fax it back 1 month prior to our stay.

Thanks again!