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Acropolis Museum

Does anyone know if specific hour slots can sell out to the Acropolis Museum? We have bought 8-9am entry tickets to the Acropolis and will be going to the museum after that. but since we aren't sure how long we will be there I would rather just by the museum tickets there. I guess the other consideration is will buying in advance avoid a long tickets line? Thanks

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2172 posts

It is impossible to know if the time slots will be sold out when you go to the Acropolis Museum just like you cannot know how long you will stay at the Acropolis.

If you plan to enter the Acropolis around 8 a.m. and want to visit the museum immediately afterwards, it would be wise not to book before the 11 a.m.-12 p.m. slot at the Acropolis Museum.

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147 posts

Thanks. The question isn't if they will sell out. My question is whether they have limits and CAN sell out.

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2172 posts

There are limits as in all places open to the public.

I guess you can see if it's sold out by going to the museum's website and seeing that reservation slots are no longer available. But I have never heard of overcrowding at the Acropolis Museum which would prevent you from visiting it.

In the worst case you will have to wait to get a ticket.
But don't forget that the wait is in proportion to the happiness it prepares.

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8 posts


We just dropped in there on July 2nd, and while it was busy, we got right in. I think you should be fine. Smart of you to get early entry to Acropolis.