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Wrong birth date

I created a DB account and entered my birthday, but it was saved a date off (month & year correct). The website lists the correct date, but the app is a date off (22). I decided to try and click on "change" on the website, and when the dropdown appears, it defaults to the incorrect date (22). I just emailed DB to inform them of the issue and asked if they could correct my birthdate.

However, I also created an account on the MVV-App. I made sure to select the correct birth date. But after I created the account and went into my profile, it also has my birthday a date off (22 again). I was wondering if this is just a technical issue. Does my birth date on the profile matter when making reservations and boarding the trains? I plan on purchasing the DT ticket for both me and my husband on the MVV-App, and purchasing ICE tickets on the DB app. Mainly worried if they won't let us on. If it's not a problem, then I'll go ahead and purchase our tickets. Thank you so much!

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7629 posts

You should be fine. All the conductor looks at is your barcode, so if that's on there, there will be no problems. :-) And it shouldn't be a problem to book the ticket either.