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Worried about the flooding in southern Germany

We have a family trip starting on June 12. It is 2 weeks.
This is our itinerary:
Munich--Austrian Alps--Karlsruhe--Wurzburg--Nuremberg--Munich
We have rented a car.

With all the flooding, do you think we will be ok or should we make changes?

thank you for any advice!

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1922 posts

I was in Europe couple summers back for that terrible flooding around Aachen. If I were you I would not worry about it, and just make an adjustment last minute when you're over there on the ground if necessary. Most flooding in in southern Germany is tied to fairly discrete weather events. In 2 weeks from now the pattern will likely be different - regression to the mean, etc.

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1268 posts

If you are driving you will have to wait and see. The issue is that the waster is moving (downstream) and it's going to take some time to survey the damage. Expect some congestion as normal, as this is the time of year for road repairs. I highly recommend you use Waze while driving to plan your routes with the current information. (It will also tell you where the cameras are.) Secondary roads are more likely to be impacted.