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World Cup 2022 - How's the atmosphere like in Germany?

Hi hello! I will be in traveling around some parts of Germany (Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Frankfurt) during the World Cup season (next 2-3 weeks). I am wondering what's the atmosphere like? Will bars/pubs be screening the matches?


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1138 posts

My husband, two sons and I were in Germany 2006 when that country hosted the WC. We managed tickets for one game--USA V CZECH REPUBLIC. The entire country was on fire with enthusiasm, of course, they were the hosts. However, the same was true of the Netherlands, Belgium and France which we also visited. All the pubs, bars, restaurants, etc., had tv screens outside (June). This year, we will be in Paris for the 3rd place game and final. I've already Googled bars that will be showing the matches and put them into my gps on my phone. Enjoy! It's going to be wild.

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552 posts

We were in Germany during World Cup 2014 - my husband, my then 12 year old and me. We were in Berlin for some of it and the atmosphere was really fun. This was during the summer, so they had a huge fan viewing area behind the Brandenburg gate and the game was on TV everywhere. We would walk down the street and when a game was on, and every restaurant, cafe, bar, had it on TV and we would just stop on the sidewalk and watch for a few minutes as we strolled.
My son (now 20) and I are going to be in Berlin in mid-Dec. I checked, and the city is not doing the fan mile or outdoor viewing due to weather, covid, energy concerns etc. But I suspect we won't have any trouble finding a place to watch games.

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8337 posts

I think you would find the atmosphere a bit subdued compared to other years. Holding the cup in December puts a damper on outside activities, though closer to the finals, that may change for the countries that get that far.

Yes, most pubs and sports bars with a TV will have matches on, especially if the home team is playing. In every town there seems to be an Irish or British Pub that will try to show all the matches. You will likely be leaving just as the quarter finals are starting, for the countries remaining, that is when things really get exciting.

I have a number of good World Cup and Europe Cup memories in my travels, so if the home team is playing, get someplace to take in the match.

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9329 posts

It will be on in every pub and bar, though there is some dismay and protests about it being in Qatar due to their human rights violations. Lots of friends have claimed they won't watch it, but pretty sure they will.

The Christmas markets are all starting soon or have already started! so this may be a distraction for some people.

Posted by
2069 posts

I think it may be a bit more subdued in the news. I've also heard a lot of German people won't watch it. As always we will see.

More likely it's because many Germans feel their team is no good this year. But I have my Germany scarf at the ready.

Cheering on our polite neighbors to the North this year, the underdog Canadians. Always like an underdog and it's been a while since they've been in the WC.

Posted by
457 posts

We'll be in Germany for their 3 upcoming matches against Japan, Spain and Costa Rica ... I love the atmosphere (reminds me of a few big college football games I attended over the years) ... Germany / Spain will be a big game, I'll be walking around Koblenz that day, going to be fun.

Posted by
564 posts

I think atmosphere will be different because no outdoor activities. I will watch at home if possible.

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564 posts

Ah just came to my mind :-) Soccer lovers might like to watch the game FC Bayern München vs Chicago Fire in 2018. Bastian Schweinsteiger's (a FC Bayern icon and still in our hearts) testimonial match at the Allianz Arena in Munich.
For us it was so so emotional but as well the Chicago Fire team seemed to be very touched. Not sure if still possible to watch somewhere.

Posted by
6113 posts

I am currently on holiday in Spain. You wouldn’t know they were competing in the World Cup - no flags etc.

The atmosphere in the U.K. was very muted - few are travelling to Qatar and it seems no one wants the tournament to be there. The tabloid newspapers are full of headlines about being punished there for being gay, drinking alcohol etc so it’s probably put some people off.

Pubs across Europe will no doubt be screening the matches, but due to the time of year, the activities will be indoors. Sounds like Covid superspreader time!

Posted by
96 posts

Very subdued is my guess. Folks will head to the Christmas markets instead. I haven't seen any ads for watching in bars/pubs yet (in a city with pop. over a half million!) Maybe once it started the atmosphere might change - a little, but definitely no comparison to previous World Cups.

Posted by
8337 posts

Now I see, in Germany, there is a movement by bars to boycott showing the matches on their TVs. I think they took banning beer in the stadiums personally.

Posted by
9329 posts

The morning after the 1st game, you would have never known. No headlines on the German FB pages, no hoorays from friends. I was reading my 4th website of the morning, before it was mentioned.
Getting the feeling that no one cares this time?

Edited to correct my mistake about Germany playing. whoops!

Posted by
564 posts

Germany did not play until now - wonder what you had read about it.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) 2pm German time they are playing their first game.

Posted by
2069 posts

Yes, Germany and Spain's first games are tomorrow. While things are subdued I'd be surprised if German sports bars weren't showing it. And here's hoping the England team goes a bit easy on us Yanks and holds themselves to maybe 4-5 goals?

Posted by
564 posts

I remeber in the past when Germany was playing a World Cup game during working hours we were alowed to watch. At our campus (I'm working for a large company) they've even built up big screens outside and we all could go there. Yes understand this year too cold outside but hardly anybody even mentioning the World Cup. In the past this seemed to be the only topic to talk about with your coworkers :-)
Well will see after the first game. Usually Germany not playing well in their first game but maybe the wind changes today and more people will be interested then.

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2069 posts

I do think the fact that it's during the holidays and cold out is some of the reason.

That said, I know many Germans and others will be watching but not going to bars to do so. I've watched partly while working from home. Especially here in America where so many people are still working from home it's felt different. The last World Cup everyone would casually walk by the TV in the cafeteria or go to the cafe next store.

Whomever decided to have it in Qatar and during the Thanksgivng/Christmas/End of Year holidays should never design another World Cup.

Los geht's Deutschland

Posted by
2069 posts

I don't think Germans have to worry about the World Cup too much longer. Just curious who flames out faster the US or Germany?

Posted by
564 posts

As said ..... the Germans and their first game .....

Like every World Cup after the first game the majority will say tomorrow that Germany is not having a chance. Heard this after the first game in Brazil as well :-) :-) Typical German

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34560 posts

Usually Germany not playing well in their first game but maybe the wind changes today

uh...... no...


Posted by
564 posts

Like most of the Germans I'm saying now ..... no chance this time :-)

In case we would win we would be super happy of course. In case not we could use one of our all time favorites which is ..... 'I told you so' :-) :-)

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2499 posts

Maybe the Ministry of Sports should tell them that they will have to stay in Qatar permanently if they continue like that.

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2069 posts

Don't threaten them with a good time. J/K

Given their next opponent is Spain, I'm not expecting much. Maybe by threatening that they could go home before the US could get them inspired. Still gonna stick with Canada as underdog.

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564 posts

Canada ok for me as well. Alphonso Davies from Canada is playing for FC Bayern Munich. I like that :-)

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2069 posts

Seeing Canada playing today...Quietly weeping in the corner. Looks like my World Cup watching days will be few.

I guess I have to cheer on Spain now.

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564 posts

Can confirm atmosphere is not like as if there would be World Cup. No flags and no decorated cars like the World Cups before.

Usually when there was a game on weekends neighbors came together and in almost every garden there was BBQ. It was a big party going on in my usually quiet neighborhood. World Cup in winter what a pity.

The only thing still the same .... everybody saying Germany will not make it. On Sunday is Germany's little final against Spain and then we will know. But like most of the other Germans I must say .... Germany will not make it :-)

Posted by
426 posts

Was in Freiburg for the last few days. Did not notice one bar advertising any World Cup games or see anyone wearing Germany jerseys,etc. out in the streets. You basically would never have known that the World Cup was going on at all. We watched the Germany-Japan match at the hotel bar and were the only ones there watching besides the hotel staff, who checked on the score once in a while and seemed disappointed by the result. I think most people watching it are doing it at home. So, at least in Freiburg, the atmosphere was basically non-existent!

Posted by
564 posts

Well my colleagues talking about soccer today :-) The wind changed a bit but still not the same as the World Cups before :-)

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2069 posts

Germany lives to play another day. Pretty nerve raking game and those Qatari refs love handing out cards.

Posted by
78 posts

Hi all! Thanks so much for the updates!

I was at Brussels over the weekends and heading to Germany soon. Some bars in Brussels are showing the games but the atmosphere was like not that lively.

Posted by
564 posts

Today's the day for Germany. Asking people how it is going to end ... at least in my surroundings 50-50 they say. Better then last week :-)

Posted by
2069 posts

Of course Germany finally starts playing well and they are eliminated. Alas, my team scarf goes back in the closet. But the Japanese have a monster team this year-Espana looked like amateurs but thankfully are still alive.

At least the USA/NED game is on Sat so I finally can watch and I think the US could actually beat them. Their team is young and the coach is not great but the team captain Weah is great and really holds them together. Plus I love seeing a young team just have fun being there.
Go USA. But on the other hand if both Spain and the US lose, then I won't have to worry about watching until the final game..

Finally, for people who say soccer isn't popular in the US, the USA matches have had an average of 14M viewers-even on a weekday. Which is huge. Just wish it wasn't on Fox-NBC does soccer matches so much better. Have to turn it to Telemundo usually as the commentating becomes inane.

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1138 posts

I've found that in the World Cups games that I've attended (USA and Germany as hosts) that American fans are crazy for all the WC games, not just their own country. While Weah is great to watch, Tyler Adams is the captain. I'll hold off on any conclusions about Berhalter until later, but right now--he's a great coach. My husband and I will be in Paris December 17 and 18. Hoping we'll have to pack our USA jerseys and that there will be dancing in the Parisian streets. If so, we'll be doing the same. Go USA! Go FRANCE!

Posted by
457 posts

Watched the end of the Germany / Japan game while in Cologne ... 2 middle-eastern guys (who should have been working in their store but since no one was inside they came outside) had the game on their phone propped up on some boxes ... they spoke okay english so we had a fun chat ... one guys favorite saying was 'that's bull$#!t' anytime something happened he didn't like ... as the game got closer to the end, more and more people stopped to watch ... once over, everyone walked away ... I watched a few other games several nights before bed ... couldn't understand the announcers but the best part was NO commercials

Posted by
2069 posts

Will be watching the French/England match this weekend-Waterloo redux. Not sure who to cheer for, my Anglophile heart wars with the fact I kind of like the French team. Surprising that most of the European teams are out but I guess it just makes it more exciting.

All I can say is when teams win big matches in soccer, fans get wild. I still remember being in Barcelona when their team won a big match against a rival country. Could not sleep as car horns were honking, people were on the streets and people in cars were waving Catalan flags! It was crazy.

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1138 posts

My husband and I will be in Paris on December 17 and 18. I really want France to win this Saturday and in the semi-finals so that we can be a part of what will be a HUGE PARTY IN PARIS (especially if they make it to the final and win) ! GO FRANCE!

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1448 posts

Ha. I’m a big soccer (football) fan and although I’m sorry that our US team is out, I am excited to watch the Cup on December 18 while visiting my Dad (with sisters) in San Antonio. I’ve already warned my sisters that the Cup is on the agenda whether they like it or not.. they are alright with my plan so long as we can have lunch at the Botanical Gardens afterwards.

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15233 posts

"I really want France to win this Saturday and in the semi-finals...." My sentiments exactly ! I have been following the games and cheering for France since this event began on 20 Nov.

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564 posts

Want France to win the next game for sure.

But not sure whom I would like to see as the World Champion at the end. Maybe it is time for Portugal (although I must say I'm not a fan of Ronaldo).

And I really hope that Croatia is kicking out Brazil and that the Netherlands should kick out Argentina :-) :-)

Posted by
273 posts

Brazil choked again . They let their guard down after Neymar scored that goal. Croatia plays great defense and their goalie is great. I hope Morocco or Croatia takes it all.

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2069 posts

Yes, my neighbors probably think I'm nuts but was clapping after Brazil went off. Now if Portugal get beat, I will be doubly happy as I dislike Ronaldo. And yes, I am hoping for a Morocco win!

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2069 posts


Guess I will jinx myself and hope for a French win as well. But I really want the first African team to win the trophy. And it's always a bit satisfying to see Ronaldo lose.

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9082 posts

I was in a Moroccan run restaurant in Malaga during the game today Such excitement and pride and quite the celebration afterwards. Fun to be a part of the excitement!

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2069 posts

So I guess it's not coming home this year.

Still an exciting game and now that it's over, I can cheer on Morocco-though with this French team, it won't be easy.

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564 posts

Puh just thought the French already left the game .... but finally 2:2

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564 posts

I'm glad its over and hopefully next time it will be no FIFA fiasco like this time.

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1138 posts

Mignon, exactly! In the first half, there were only 11 players on the field and none of them was French. There were reports that at least three French players were suffering from an upper respiratory infection.
We are in Paris. Last night was very quiet.

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3120 posts

One of my favorite places to watch games is in Zagreb on Jelisic Square, the big square in the middle of town. The bars around the square put the TVs outside, and you can get beers and everyone is in a good mood. Saw the 2017 Champions League finale there (several Croatian players in the final) and also a Croatia-Wales UEFA game.

Posted by
669 posts

Just a note to round this out after that thrilling final:

Germany is hosting the Euros in 2024, so the next big tournament. Might be fun. Probably not 2006 fun, but maybe--perhaps a revival after the fiasco of the last few tournaments. I think Germany's play in the next year in friendlies and Nations League will go a long way toward determining what the mood will be. If Germany looks promising, and with summer / public viewing returning, it could be exciting. If Germany continues to struggle against good teams, expect it to be fun, but not quite the party it was in 2006 (to be fair, it is unlikely to be quite that good unless Germany wins, at which point it will be over).