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Leaving for Germany. Wish me Luck! I may need it.

This Saturday the 7th, my wife and I are headed to Germany and England for 3 weeks.
First to Munich for a couple of days, then 8 days to Berchtesgaden (my most favorite place on the face of the earth), Fussen to visit the castles for two days, then to Freiberg (Black Forest) for two days and flying out of Zurich to Southhampton England to visit friends. Most of it is vacation with a detour to the towns of Ravensburg and Biberach Riss, to visit friends. These are two towns having a few connections with trains and buses. Kinda worried about train schedules these days. I have made two overnights at Biberach Riss and Zurich only if there are really big delays and if we get behind, we can move on without staying overnight at the two towns.
This is all planned and scheduled by me, with help from the RS Guide books. We went to Europe back in 2019, and I did the scheduling then as well. Back then I only messed up once with a train connection. Hoping for very few minor mishaps now.
I think I've listed the abbreviated itinerary enough to give you the quick details, and at this late stage of the game, I welcome comments and suggestions.

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750 posts

In about 2019 we were in Berchtesgaden and were on a group Eagles Nest bus tour which seemed to go longer than expected. So as we got closer to the end of the tour, my husband and I decided we were going to have to make a run for it from the bus to the train station in order to catch our train. We ran (not something that we should be doing; so there may have been a slight injury) getting to the station just in time to watch our train roll out of the station without us. There was only one train left that day back to Munich. (I think it was a Sunday) We ended up finding a place to eat; (the super fit looking couple next to us traveling on bikes; while they smoked and ate french fries amazed us; while we nursed the swollen ankle from our train sprint! HA HA!) which took longer than expected so we nearly missed that last train. Got on the last train breathing a sigh of relief. Met some amazing and interesting local people on the train who had some really amazing story to tell about the US soldiers camping on their German grandmother's farmland during the war. Needless to say, we made it back to Munich with lots of happy and funny memories to go with it.

The point of my story is the mishaps sometimes make for interesting experiences; and my husband and I agree we can always credit card our way to a solution! An unexpected overnight hotel stay or whatever expense it might be, even if we'd rather not have to spend the money.

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8785 posts

Just a quick check to see if you looked at the Deutschland "D" ticket at all for your trip. You mention you will be doing trains and buses. D ticket allows for unlimited use of regional trains, local transport throughout Germany for 49 euros in a calendar month. My guess, it that you could have significant savings using it.

You purchase it online in an app (I recomment MVV app).

If interested, send me a private message and I'll help you through the signup process.

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49 posts

Yes, very sorry, I should have mentioned that we have purchased two D-Tickets for the month of September , and ready to purchase a IC train ticket at the machine or online if needed. I used the Tranzer site to purchase the tickets.

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2448 posts

Ravensburg and Biberach Riss, to visit friends. These are two towns having a few connections with trains and buses.

Biberach and Ravensburg are both on the Ulm - Friedrichshafen line, on which a local train runs about every half hour. Depending on your starting point, you can come from the south (Friedrichshafen) or the north (Ulm). So you won't have any problems reaching these cities. Details at

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49 posts

sla019 thanks! I'm not familiar with the different DB lines and their names, but at least its kina comforting to see what you posted. I do expect a change or delay, but hopeful of a smooth transition through the DB. Really had no problems in 2019 when we went, other than one mistake I made. We came back thinking the public transportation in Germany was the greatest thing we'd ever experienced and was wishing we had that here in the states.

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49 posts

Thanks Stephen for the note on the correction. This is the type of mistake I'm afraid of making on the trip-I have to watch for that!