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Where are these locations in Southern Germany?

Folks - I went to Germany about 30 years ago.

I've been going through my old photos and just can't figure out where these places are depicted in the photos.

Can anyone offer suggestions about location / city?

You can reference the "Image" number or the double letters at the beginning of the file name.

Many thanks!!

Posted by
8889 posts

I can answer some. I think the photos have got jumbled.

That was fun. How many points do I get ☺

Posted by
21596 posts

779 appears to be the Neutorturm on the Northeast corner of the Nuremberg city wall. Look at this current photo. Surroundings may have changed in the last 30 years due to restoration work, but the tower itself is identical.,11.071434,3a,75y,170.18h,80.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1saP_CbCc6bFrai7KDQOR4Yw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

780 is Rothenburg ob der Tauber.,10.1732171,3a,75y,347.1h,89.53t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMouTajoZ3DnQF6ii96g1le3bScBbfJCZOiKAum!2e10!3e11!!7i11500!8i5750

Yes 834 is obviously Florence.

Posted by
10 posts

Oh my gosh, Chris F and Sam...thank you SO much! That totally accords with my trip. I DID go to all those places...I've just forgotten that I had.

Thank you. thank you. thank you!!

Now...anyone know the last 3?

607, 635 and 847?....


Posted by
10 posts

Fantastic! SO quick. Many thanks!

Finishing up....600? 607 847? ... and added 601 and 603 and 724.


Posted by
21596 posts

I suspect it is, but I can't pinpoint anything.

Posted by
8889 posts

847 could be Basel, it could also be a number of other towns in this area. The architectural style is common around here, way too many streets like it to remember each one.
Example (I'm not saying it is this one, just something like it):

Posted by
10 posts

Thanks Chris....that makes sense for 847...since 846 and 848 I now know are both Basel! Excellent sleuthing!

Now, one last kick at the can....

Anyone know # 601 or 603?

You folks have been SO helpful. Many many thanks.

AND as a "give back" in thanks...if anyone wishes pics from Berlin, Bonn, Paris, Versaille, Essen, Rome, Basel, Frieburg, Ulm, Nuremberg, Wurzberg, Wertheim, Rastatt, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Baden Baden, or Strassbourg from 30 years ago, I'm happy to upload them for your use.

Posted by
21596 posts

600 is definitely Baden-Baden. Can't get the exact perspective, but this is close.,8.2425892,3a,90y,176.77h,124.03t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNmReM7RNb9qyOlr1ByqEnm0BvibdqKTNXT8z2k!2e10!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688

Onion dome is on the chapel of the Klosterschule vom Heiligen Grab, and the square tower top is part of the Friedrichsbad Roemische-Irische Bad. Smaller onion dome further away is on the Spitalkirche. All of these seen in the bottom foreground of 600.

Edit - I will speculate that 601 is also in Baden-Baden pedestrian shopping district. Style of the buildings and overhead wire in the center of the street. German privacy laws prevent comprehensive google streetview, so have to depend on uploaded photos. As such, 603 is probably in Baden-Baden as well. Strolling one-man band is just the sort of thing you might find in Baden-Baden.

Posted by
5321 posts

Used to live there and would love to see the photos of Wurzburg if you can post a link.

Posted by
10 posts

Thanks "Sam"!

Really, many thanks to all who helped out...I really appreciate it! While Google Image can confirm the location once I had an idea of where it was...I wouldn't have been able to figure out where to even look for some of these pictures!!

And "TC"'s a link to Wurzburg (as requested)...go ahead and let me know if any of the titles are incorrect:

Posted by
5321 posts

Many thanks for the link. Photo # 762 is the Alte Mainbrucke (Old Main Bridge) and the statues are of Wurzburg's saints and bishops. The interior pictures in # 764, 5, and 6 are in the Hofkirche Chapel at the Residenz. The church in the center of #763 is St. Kilian's Dom. In # 767 the church is the Kapele Sanctuary. You can google any of those and get more specific information. Again, many thanks for the link -- brought back many good memories.