My girlfriend is Dutch and lives in Nijmegen, right on the border with Germany. She always tells me she doesn't like Germany that much because she feels it's a little grey. I wanted to show her how cute and beautiful Germany can be, just a few hours away from her home. I'm joking, but I did want to go with her on a nice trip straight from her house. So the idea was to take a car from Nijmegen, go to Cologne for a couple of days, and then head south with the final destination being Strasbourg. After which, I thought we would head north through Trier and maybe Luxemburg, and back to Nijmegen.
This year, my vacation is around late November or December, so my original idea was to go along the Rhine (which also flows through Nijmegen! I thought that could be cool) and Moselle and see all the cute little towns, drink some Gluhwine in Christmas markets etc.
However as I started doing research, I saw many posts in this forum and others saying that all the towns are closed down and deserted during this time of the year, which broke my heart.
So now I'm thinking, maybe do a couple of days in Cologne, take a car, go along the Rhine and Moselle just to see the castles, maybe stop for a night in a relatively big village along the way, and then head straight to Strasbourg.
Does this make sense? will we still be able to enjoy our time? What places are best to stop at in a tour like this? I think we will have around 7-10 days for the whole trip.
Will be glad for any help and ideas you can give, I really want to make this a special trip.
Thanks a lot!