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Using a 6-digit PIN number at ATMs in Germany?

I've seen some old online advice suggesting that ATMs in Germany may require a 4-digit PIN number. Will my 6-digit Bank of America debit card PIN number work there?

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3461 posts

To be very sure I would ask your bank which partnering bank or ATM pool in Germany allows cheap and secure ATM usage - and in which way.

Posted by
8373 posts

I've only heard of 4 digit security numbers here and in Europe. Suggest you visit your nearest B of A and change your PIN.

Posted by
4535 posts

Europeans have reported here in the past that they have PINS that are 5 and 6 digits. So I don't think you'll have any problems.

In the olden days of ATMs, the computer only allowed you four slots on the screen to enter your PIN (like 4 blank slots to fill with your number). Those days are pretty far past now...

FYI - Your local bank will have no idea so it doesn't really help to contact them.

Posted by
8889 posts

This is an urban myth. I have a card with a 6-digit PIN, issued from a European bank. It works everywhere.
The other totally untrue myth is about PIN's starting with 0 (zero). I have a PIN starting with 0 on a different card, again never any problem.

@Karen, yes that includes never having any problems in Italy with a 6-digit PIN.

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34532 posts

what you may not see is letters. so if your pin is a word or sequence of letters you may find it easier if you have an opportunity is to change it to all digits. While you are at it perhaps you can change to 4 digits if it will make you feel better.