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Update on New Year's Eve Party at the Brandenburg Gate (NYE Berlin)

Tickets for the New Year's Eve party at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin cost 20 Euro per person this year. This makes them twice as expensive as last year. Children and young people accompanied by a parent or guardian pay 10 Euro, and family tickets are also available for 50 Euro.

“The security concept for Europe's biggest New Year's Eve party is enormous and correspondingly cost-intensive,” a spokesperson for Deutsche Entertainment AG (Deag) said on request.

Deag organized the celebration for the first time in 2023. The ticket price of 10 euros did not cover the costs, the spokesperson explained. “At the same time, the security situation, especially for events in public spaces, is even more tense than in 2023.” To ensure the safety of guests, the fencing in the Tiergarten area will be larger, there will also be bag checks and visitors will be checked person-to-person.

The organizers are expecting 65,000 visitors. Tickets [for 2024/25 party] will be available from November 14.


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3526 posts

If you mean the 2 hour water outage in Berlin on NYE, I did not hear about an impact on the event.

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3526 posts

Info for all people reading this after NYE 2024: the event at Brandenburg Gate was not sold out. Around 60,000 people joined the event finally. Until the opening of the event there were 45,000 tickets sold, so a local news (rbb) live ticker posted (see source texts for details).

Some non-German visitors mentioned that most of stands only accepted cash payment.

Source text: "Bislang wurden nach seinen Worten [Sprecher der Veranstalter] 45.000 Tickets verkauft. Bis zu 65.000 Menschen können vor Ort feiern. "Wir gehen davon aus, dass wir bis heute Abend 20 oder 21 Uhr ausverkauft sein werden", so der Sprecher."

Translation: "According to him [spokesperson for the organizers], 45,000 tickets have been sold so far. Up to 65,000 people can celebrate on site. “We assume that we will be sold out by 8 or 9 p.m. tonight,” said the spokesperson."

"Die Festmeile zwischen Brandenburger Tor und Siegessäule hat sich noch einmal deutlich gefüllt. Laut dem Veranstalter der großen Silvesterparty kamen rund 60.000 Besucherinnen und Besucher, insgesamt fasst die Meile bis 65.000 Menschen Gegen Mitternacht wurde es laut Polizei am vorderen Teil um das Brandenburger Tor recht voll."

Translation: "The festival mile between the Brandenburg Gate and the Victory Column has once again filled up considerably. According to the organizers of the big New Year's Eve party, around 60,000 visitors came, with the mile holding up to 65,000 people in total Around midnight, according to the police, the front section around the Brandenburg Gate became quite crowded."

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3526 posts

The event itself was well protected.

The NYE is somehow escalating more in larger cities of Germany. That private people use in supermarkets buyable F2 fireworks for combat like scenes is bad enough but this year F4 class fireworks created too many dead and injured people plus damages at buildings. Fully inacceptable. You can read a full article about scenes in 2024 NYE night.

I did not use any fireworks since over 30 years and support a ban of it for private people.

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21502 posts

There was a bit of unruliness in a lot of locations in Europe ... a lot of arrests and sadly a few deaths. None that I read were terrorism, mostly just really, really bad behavior. They banned fireworks a a large part of Budapest this year. Still, there was a fairly good display on Andrassy ut between the W Hotel and the Opera. Not sure if it was amateur or planned; but pretty well done.

Its getting difficult to find a new Yew Year Eve event that I would want to attend. I used to use NYE as an excuse to travel. The most memorable was Sydney, the worst Rome. Our NYE in Sydney was at the Botanical Gardens. Silly expensive, but music, dance, food, good drink, then a very short walk through the gardens to a point that looked down on the harbor and the Opera House. Best seat for among the best fireworks display in the world. Sounds like the Brandenburg event could be a good one as well but I think I would be happier if they charged more and cut the number of people ..... but ..... . Something for me to think about for next year. Thank you for the post.

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3526 posts

Authorities say that the three fireworks ban zones in Berlin worked well but in the rest of some center areas there were these inacceptable behaviors. In Berlin the most closed events and parties worked out well from what I saw and heard.

And remember when you spend NYE in Germany: watching "Dinner for one" on TV is the ultimate German Silvester experience. An overview of the 15 (!) broadcasting times on NYE day at various public TV channels dmonstrates the cultic relevance. Believe it or not: in the meantime there are also German slang versions available.