A few questions for all you knowledgeable folks.
Trier and Luxembourg City, is most of the old town/touristy areas walkable?
Mainz also, if I am staying close to train station is most of "town" walkable? Is there a Mainz Pass like a Berlin Welcome card for public transit?
I won't ask about day trips from Mainz, the train gets me to 101 different interesting cities within 2 hours. Bonn, Boppard, Bachrach, Worms...
And I guess I would entertain a debate of Mainz vs Koblenz for a home base. I'm spending 3 days in Trier and 4 in either Mainz or Koblenz. Or neither? I'm flying in and out of Frankfurt. I want home base to be in a city where I can walk to food and a beer garden or brewery or winery. I like to stay more in neighborhoods than touristy downtowns if that helps.
Trying to figure out how many days I want a DB card for. I bought a 3 day card that I had stamped on day 1 in Berlin then the DB employees weren't stamping it every trip so I kept using it! Got 6 days out of a 3 day pass (3 days, my choice of days within a month)