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Traveling between Colmar, France and Fussen, Germany

Traveling by car between Colmar France and Fussen, Germany. GPS directions give me a route mostly thru Switzerland or a route mostly thru the lower portion of the Black Forest. Does anyone have an opinion on which way to go? It’s about 4 hours either way and we would like to see some cool things on the way to break up the drive. Thank you

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6546 posts

I’d do the drive through Germany (Freiburg im Breisgau-Titisee-Friedrichshafen, etc.) for a couple reasons. There are no tolls on that route and you wouldn’t have to buy the vignette to drive through Switzerland on its interstate type road.

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6900 posts

The German option will be both cheaper (no tolls, less gas) and more scenic (Black Forest crossing, perhaps Bodensee north shore too but I am not sure how well you see it from the road since new bypasses were built). Lindau is a cool stop for a break.