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Travel Query Re. Deutsche Bahn, S-Bahn, and time and cost efficiency

Hello, In the next few months, I'll be starting a Semester studying whislt at sea and will be departing Bangkok with 3 other stops in Asia, 4 in Africa, and then 3 in Europe - ending in Bremerhaven, Germany. While I have traveled to and from Germany a few times while family was still there/living, my knowledge is very limited to Stuttgart where my family lived.
After trying to do some online exploring, I'm realizing that I'm somewhat more confused than when i began and thought it best to post a query.
I have shared Citizenship between Italia and the United States - although we'll see what November brings this year - it my citizenship might just be limited exclusively to Italia.
Post-Semester and going our separate ways after arriving in Bremerhaven, I'm trying to figure out the "best" solution (taking time and cost into consideration) to get from Bremerhaven to London to stay with some friends during Semester Break. I've looked at flights out of Dusseldorf, Bremen, and Hamburg - and feel like the 3 - 4 hour journey to Dusseldorf seems like the best option for a flight - and then I though about Amsterdam.
The last time I was in Germany was when my mother was living (d. 2007) so it's been quite a while since I've been, and am a little intimidated since this will be the first time traveling alone, without someone elses knowledge and guidance (if that makes sense). I'll be luggage-burdened with 2 suitcases, a backpack, and a computer case and know some lines have baggage restrictions - but am uncertain as to whether the train lines "enforce" such rules or if, as they do in the US/Amtrak - throw caution to the wind and ignore it so they don't havee to address it.
I appreciate anyones feedback and thank you in advance. Also, purchasing tickets - is RailEurope a good website/app or is there something that offers better deals? Thanks a bunch! I truly do appreciate anyones insight and feedback.

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2402 posts

Luggage is not really an issue, except for yourself. You have to carry it on and of trains and around stations. If you are OK with that so will be the railways.
Regarding buying tickets: Buy tickets from the national railway of the country your trip starts in. So for trips starting in Bremerhafen that would be the German Railways:

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7388 posts

From Bremerhaven to London the best way by train, I believe, is the 10 hour ride changing at Bremen, Koln and Brussels.

Bremerhaven to Brussels you would book direct with DB. Brussels to London direct with Eurostar.

Bremen airport has flights on Ryanair to London Stansted so, if flying, no need to go to Dusseldorf or Hamburg.

Before baggage fees those flights from Bremen are as low as 20 Euro on selected dates in September.

On a random date in September Bremerhaven to Brussels is as low as 44 Euro on a Sparscheine ticket, and Brussels to London 61.50 Euro- so 104 Euro for the whole journey. With Ryanair baggage fees and the train from Stansted to London the overall fare is round about the same as the train.

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7629 posts

Hi, johannes,

I agree that is the best place to purchase your train ticket. I'm not sure what dates you're planning to leave Bremerhaven, but you may have to keep checking for when the tickets open up. Sometimes you can only book out so far. But you definitely will have a few transfers. You could get a cheap flight as well, but keep in mind that many of the low-cost flights in Europe have very strict requirements about luggage. And if you pay more in order to carry more, it can outweigh the benefits of flying.

Also make sure you download the DB Navigator app when you're ready to buy any train tickets. That will store your tickets for you so you just need to show the conductor your QR code. Plus it will send you alerts if there are any train delays or track changes. etc.

One more thing, I don't know how long you will be in Bremerhaven, but if you will be doing any traveling while you are there, you might consider purchasing a Deutschland ticket, which enables you to travel anyplace by train in Germany (and a few places in Austria) for €49 a month. It's a subscription service so you have to follow the rules about cancellation, and there are some restrictions (for example, it uses the slower regional trains only; no high speed ICE trains). But it's a good deal.