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Travel from Krakow to Berlin?

What is the best nonstop flight to Berlin from Krakow. Ryan Air is direct but the other airlines all make stops.
I believe the train is several hours . Please advise. thanks.

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28792 posts

Copying the information posted in the original thread with enough paraphrases to get it past the duplication-censor:

The quickest rail connection I saw on the Deutsche Bahn website exceeded 8 hours. It would be better to fly if you can find a reasonable flight (cost- and time-wise).

I have so far managed to avoid RyanAir, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Just be very careful about the airports being used on both ends of the trip; RyanAir is particularly bad about using the cheapest landing strip even if it's 40 miles from the city named on your ticket. Check the luggage policy very carefully, and be sure you understand the airline's customer-unfriendly rules, which include (as of the last time I heard about them) charging a very great deal of money (maybe $70??) if you need to have you boarding pass printed at the airport and requiring certain passport holders (including Americans) to visit an extra desk at the airport that may not be so easy to find.

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15233 posts

I took that ride Krakow to Berlin in 2001 by train, it took close to 10 hrs, ie, beyond 9.5 hrs.

We had to board ca 0630 hrs, well worth seeing the interesting countryside, crossing the Oder, and the history connected towns we stopped at, first in Upper Silesia in the former province capital, Katowice, next in the former Gleiwitz, where Hitler had the fake attack staged on the German radio station as a justification for launching the attack on Poland.