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Train Travel Around Bavaria


My husband and I are travelling to Bavaria in September for Oktoberfest! I have finalized the itinerary and need some help in determining how to get from each city in the most efficient and cost effective manner.
We are spending 3 days in Munich 2 days in Garmisch, 1 day in Salzburg and back to Munich. Can someone please tell me how to use/ work the train/ bus system? Do I need to buy a pass for each train? Is it cheaper to buy a weekly pass? If someone has a better travel idea for me that would be helpful! PS we are not renting a car.

Munich to Garmisch (need to be there by 8AM)

Garmisch to Salzburg

Salzburg to Munich

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7223 posts

Garmisch to Salzburg: One train from Garmisch to Munich, a 2nd train from Munich to Salzburg. Nearly 4 hours.

Salzburg to Munich: One train, 2 hours.

For both trips, you will want a BAYERN (Bavaria) TICKET for each travel day. This is one-price-fits-all-trips daypass (€27 for two adults) good for one full day no matter what distance you travel or what destinations you choose as long as you stay within Bavaria (and Salzburg and a couple of other Austrian destinations.) The Bayern Ticket is good at any hour on Sat or Sun, after 9 am weekdays. Read details HERE. (The site still has the old price.)

To find the local and regional trains to use with the Bayern Ticket, enter your travel information at the DB itinerary page and specify "only local transport" under "means of transport."
DB itinerary page

If the first trip (Munich - Garmisch) is on a Sat or Sun you can use the Bayern ticket, but the Werdenfels ticket is cheaper at €23 for two. A direct 6:32 RB train gets you to Garmisch at 7:54. If the trip is on a weekday, the 9 am rule applies, so you'll need a regular ticket (€20.10 each) for earlier departures.

You can buy ALL these tickets from ticket machines at the train stations.

Posted by
4684 posts

The trains that the Bayern Ticket can NOT be used for are long-distance express services, which is anything where the train number has any of the prefixes ICE, IC, EC, or RJ. The Bayern Ticket can also be used on local bus, tram and U-Bahn services within all the cities you mention except Salzburg.

Within Munich itself you can get a three-day pass giving unlimited travel within the central area for fifteen euros, or a one-day pass for six euros. You can also get one- three- or four-day City Tour Cards that additionally give discounts on certain attractions, but you'll need to do some calculations to see if the discounts are worth the extra money to buy the card.

Posted by
12040 posts

You probably won't need a transit pass for Munich. Most of the stuff that tourists come to see is located within a relatively compact area. The easiest ways to get around the center of Munich are on foot or bicycle.

Why do you need to be in Garmisch by 8 in the morning?

If you need to use the civic buses in Garmisch (you probably won't), hotels usually provide you with a card that allows for unlimited use of said-buses.

Posted by
19337 posts

Here is a link to the Werdenfels-Ticket to which Russ referred,'. The page is in German, but there is a map of the validity area of the Werdenfels-Ticket.

The Werdenfels-Ticket has the same 9 AM restriction as the Bayern-Ticket. The Werdenfels-Ticket includes the train to the valley station of the Zugspitz Seilbahn at Eibsee. In addition to the rail lines, shown in red, it also includes RVO buses in the area, shown in green. Tutzing is just inside the MVV (Munich metro district) and the note at the red arrow says the Ticket is valid to the Munich Hbf and for all S-Bahn and regional trains in the MVV (you could even use it to/from the airport).