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Train from Amsterdam to Berlin

We are weighing the pros and cons of flying between Amsterdam to Berlin versus taking the train. Is the extra time worth it? IS this a scenic trip or is the extra time better spent in Berlin?


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1840 posts

Consider this. Take the train from Amsterdam to Cologne, stay the night at the Ibis hotel at the Cologne train station and go on to Berlin the next day. That way you will get to see a bit of Cologne, which is certainly worth the time.

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9100 posts

A train journey is just over six hours. When you factor in getting to/from each, airport hassles like security and baggage checkin, flying won't be faster. I have a six hour rule if a train journey is over six hours I fly, under that I take the train. In this case I would do it by train, you will go from city center to city center, and have a lot more space to relax.