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"The Watchman of Rothenburg Dies"

Ok, maybe the title got your attention... Actually, it's a book by Adriana Licio. My wife was working at a used book sale, saw this book and had to have it. We've been to Rothenburg a few times. On this forum, we are in the "we like Rothenburg" camp, especially if staying over a few nights (we'll be there again for three nights this October).

Anyway, the book is very good, a typical murder mystery with two main female characters in their 60's, (and a dog named Leon), staying for a month in a house inside the town walls. What we loved about it is the descriptions of where they went within the town, the shops, streets, Criminal Museum, etc... We each read the book with a map by our side.

Also, the author, in the book, mentions another murder mystery book set in Rothenburg, by Elizabeth Peters, called "Borrower of the Night". I've downloaded this book, but have not read it yet.

Has anyone read either of these books? Whadda ya think? If you haven't yet, then you might like them.

Posted by
5320 posts

Your title alarmed me.! Lol. And now I have to get a copy of the book.
We're in the "we like Rothenberg camp" too. And I had to scratch my head at a recent poster on another thread who thinks the Night Watchman tour is just for kids. Um, whaaaat?

Then again, maybe I'm in my second childhood.

Posted by
2 posts

That was dirty.....I read the title and responded with audible distress. My sister responded with, "WHAT?" I told her what I had just read--the title. She was immediately saddened, too.
Now, I know that a writer's objective is to 'hook' by invoking an emotion....well, you did.
I am glad to know that it is a book title as opposed to an event. I might read the book--but I will need to wait until the initial trauma wears.
Thank you for the recommendation.....I think.

(We visited RodT in August of '22 as it had been on our radar for many years.)

Posted by
5395 posts

Thanks and you peaked my interest, also.

Posted by
14538 posts

I see the Kindle edition is $2.99. The mention on the forum will probably boost sales right up there!

editing to add: Not available in my local library or on their Overdrive site, poo.

Posted by
54 posts

Your subject line made my heart sink. We loved the Night Watchman tour years ago, and saw him again last year when we were in Rothenburg for Christmas. It is a must-do for anyone visiting.

The books sound interesting and I may have to look for them.

Posted by
120 posts

My apologies for causing some heart palpitations!

Just an update on the second book: I just finished the "Borrower of the Night" book. I downloaded it free from our library. It's a good book, also set in Rothenburg. It's mainly a mystery story with the 2 main characters coming to Rothenburg to try to find a priceless antique from the 1500's, which they think is hidden in Rothenburg. They do wander around town a bit, but this book doesn't have as much interaction with Rothenburg as "The Watchman of Rothenburg Dies".

I couldn't find the "Watchman" book as an e-book, but it's available on Amazon and other sites for $12.99. And her next book in the series is titled "A Wedding and a Funeral in Mecklenburg". I'll be reading that one next.

Posted by
185 posts

This is so mean!!! It really alarmed me. I plan to take his tour (for probably about the 10th time) in September.

Posted by
120 posts

Joy, here's an idea: We will be there early October, I wonder if he would autograph our book? Will he have already autographed your book?

If you and I had the only autographed books, they would be worth millions, right? And we could authenticate our autographs with photos! Let's start a trend here!

Posted by
18 posts

Got me too! I was like NOOOOO we are going in September and planning two nights in RodT one specifically for the night watchman tour!

Posted by
4139 posts

I read that book last year, it was fun. Great for a long plane ride. In fact the author has a few books set all over Europe - Aero, Norway and Prague come to mind. Easy reading and very likable characters.

Posted by
2471 posts

I too panicked when I read the title! Whew;)

We also enjoyed Rothenburg. We stand for several nights and loved the Night Watchman tour. I hope to get back there, but if not, we have lovely memories.