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SIM cards for Europe? Any good ones?

Have you found any of the hard SIM cards to be good, for both internet use and phone calls ? Any provide you with your own number for friends to call you?
For North Americans going to Israel, there are SIM cards that provide a telephone number in North American, that our friends can call us on, toll free. Do any Europe cards do that?
In past forums here, some people have liked Vodaphone, but nowhere do I read they give you a number for people to call you. (And the online seller is based in China, evidently.) Others liked Orange, but it seems focused on France and limits you call minutes.
What company have others found to be good?

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2844 posts

Hint: you ask for Europe but posted in Germany forum.

Germany has three network operators. The quality of service of their networks is tested annually (link to last results' overview).

If you do not buy a data tariff only of course you will get a German mobile number which can be called by everybody. Call and data roaming in EU and some EWR countries (not Switzerland) is often included.

But for registration you need to provide a German address and a registration process in stoe or online incl. full ID (passport picture etc.). Important is not to get into a 24 months subscription, therefore a prepaid SIM is preferrable.

The no-frills brand of winner Deutsche Telekom is Congstar.