right now, i penciled in 5.5 days berlin and 3 days prague. Would you suggest i move a berlin day over to dresden and make that a stopover? so itinerary would become 4.5 days berlin, 1 day dresden, 3 days prague, give or take 2 hours for travel. What do you think?
I would definitely do Dresden, at least you will see something,great city for museums.
As much as I love Berlin, I think a day in Dresden would be good too. We were there one night, and really enjoyed walking around the old part of the city -- truly amazing that it was all rebuilt after WWII as it looks much older. We went to a concert in the opera house which was amazing for two reasons: 1) it is a gorgeous building, and 2) the audience was very knowledgeable about music; there was not one single clap between movements of a piece.
It depends on your interests. The reconstructed centre of Dresden is very small, but the museums are world-class and unique. If you already visit many museums in Berlin, and aren't exactly a museum person, you can probably skip it. In this case I would recommend a full day, or even a second day, in Potsdam instead, which offers some tranquility after the hustle and bustle of Berlin.
But if you like museums Dresden is a must. In this case don't just visit the Green Vault(s), but also the armoury, which is spectacular, but still a insider tip.
i like museums and plan to go to several in berlin but i like art museums more than other types. Is the green vault the most popular one in Dresden? From the pictures it seems like mostly jewels/gold (i guess that's why it's called a vault :) which doesn't sound super engrossing for me
Based on your interests do Dresden: https://www.germany.travel/en/towns-cities-culture/towns-cities/magic-cities/dresden.html#h65262
The Green Vault is mostly precious materials, but it's objects made from them, not just gems. Some of the craftsmanship is exquisite. However, if you're more into paintings, there's the Old Masters Gallery in the Zwinger for painting up to the early nineteenth century (under reconstruction this year, only a small proportion of the collection on display) and the Albertina gallery for art since the early nineteenth century.
Sorry , The Albertina is in Vienna . I think you are referring to The Albertinum in Dresden , indeed a spectacular collection
Yes, I meant Albertinum.