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September weekend in Rothenburg o.d.T.

The last few weeks' worth of forum posts have been invaluable as we plan an 8-day trip; thanks to everyone who responds to posts.

It seems that the weekend (7th-8th) we hoped to visit Rothenburg, there's a rather important event - the Imperial City Fesitval. (See.) Might be the sort of thing that causes the oft-mentioned Night Watchman's tour to be canceled for a few nights?

[UPDATE: My original question went on and on about the city being booked solid and should we skip the city because it's full... but I've just found a place (one of the $$s from Rick's guidebook) that had 2 rooms left, so I've booked two nights. Leaving the Watchman question, however!]


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1296 posts

It's the 750 Anniversary year in RodT; it's going to be insanely crowded on the weekends. Make sure your hotel has parking available (not on the street) or plan on walking a couple kilometers.

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8814 posts

A festival! Sounds like a great time to be there. More real than the tour.

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5134 posts

Been to Rothenburg during different festivals and really enjoyed them. This one may be more crowded, but probably much more fun and entertaining that the Watchman's tour which we have also experienced. Go and enjoy. Even if the tour is cancelled, you'll still have a great time.