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RS community collection - Germany's best online tours, videos, podcasts (#closedbutopen)

In Corona times we can explore countries and cultures online (#closedbutopen).

And there are so many offerings that I think it is a good idea to start a collection from and for all of us which online tours, videos, podcasts, ...from, in and around Germany we discovered and like to share with others.

To make search easier and more effective I suggest to give a short description based on 6 keywords such as that (incl. my first tip).
Just copy the block and fill in your own words describing your recommendation.

Type: e. g. Video
Title: e. g. The German Hanse - guided tour through 500 years of history
Content: e. g. Guided museum tour
Provider: e. g. Europäisches Hansemuseum,
Length: e .g. 58 mins

Thank you all for contributing and sharing!