We are renting a car in Koblenz for a couple days to drive along the Mosel, we are staying in Beilstein. Any driving tips for this route, what is the major road that follows the Mosel. We are returning the car to Mainz, after a short stop in Ingelheim (I have a family member whose employer is based out of Ingelheim and this is his chance to see this). Thank you! Our trip is coming quick now :)
No advice for me on this one?
Hi Jill,
Don't recall the route #, but we drove along the Mosel from Trier to Bernkastel to Zell, to Beilstein and on to our home base in Valwig, just across the Mosel from Cochem. What I'm getting at is there's a local road that follows the Mosel from Beilstein to Bernkastel. Beilstein is very tiny and there's only main road, the one that runs along the Mosel either towards Bernkastel or towards Cochem.
Along the Mosel, Cochem to Bullay is B49 and it turns into B53 continuing on to Bernkastel...Pick up a good map at any station on the autobahn or rent a car with GPS...
There's really only one driving route. Like the Mittelrhein, just drive on the road that follows the river. It runs on both until just upstream of Moselkern, and after that, it goes back and forth across both banks. I don't remember the route number off the top of my head, but from Koblenz, just follow the secondary route signs (like this, blue means Autobahn, don't take that route, follow the directions written in plain black on the yellow background) in the direction of Trier.
To get from Koblenz to Bernkastel, just follow the river. For everything else, plot your trip on via Michelin.
Adding: The route would be http://www.viamichelin.com/web/Routes?strStartLocid=31M2cwMzEwY05UQXVNelUyTnc9PWNOeTQxT1RrMk1nPT0=&strDestLocid=31M2g1NzEwY05Ea3VPVGswTlRZPThPQzR5Tmpjeg==&strStep1Locid=31NDMwc2sxMGNORGt1T1RFME1Uaz1jTnk0d056UTFPQT09&strStep2Locid=31M2Y5czEwY05Ea3VPVGMxT0RjPWNPQzR3TmpVMk9BPT0=&intItineraryType=undefined&caravaneHidden=false&vh=CAR&strVehicle=0&itineraryCarType=0&itineraryFuelType=0&isFavoriseAutoroute=false&isAvoidPeage=false&isAvoidVignette=false&isAvoidLNR=false&isAvoidFrontiers=false&dtmDeparture=17%2F04%2F2014&distance=km&devise=1.0|EUR&indemnite=&carbCost=1.6&autoConso=6.8&villeConso=6&routeConso=5.6