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Rhine river help


I wanted some help regarding the Rhine river tours.
Since middle-Rhine river is a huge chunk and has a loads of castles to see, so can you help me with the top 2-3 castles to see in this stretch ?
What I have been looking online, Boppard, Bacharach and Katz castle seems interesting. Can you help me with which ones to do.
Also, where is Eltz Castle?


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19171 posts

Boppard doesn't have a castle. Stahleck castle (Bacharach) was rebuilt as a hostel. I don't think Katz can be toured. Most of the castles on the Rhein have been rebuilt and are private or hotels.

Rheinfels is not rebuilt; it is still a ruin, but interesting to explore. The Marksburg in Braubach is the only castle that was not destroyed and rebuilt. It has been preserved as it was hundreds of years ago. (Sorry, I said Bacharach. It's Braubach.)

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7 posts


So which ones can I visit.
Marksberg in Braubach looks nice.

Can you suggest some more nice ones?


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9047 posts

My favorite is Burg Rhinefels. What a fantastic, massive fortress and you are free to explore it as you like. Download the flashlight ap for your phone though, or take a flashlight with you to walk through the tunnels. The great hall will amaze you, as will the unique bathrooms. Good view of the Rhine.

The Marksburg is a favorite of many, but you do have to go on one of their tours. The rooms have period furniture, so that is interesting too. The view is great from here.

Burg Reichenstein and Burg Rheinstein both offer tours.

Then there is this lovely little castle, Burg Pfalzgrafenstein built in the middle of the river. Nothing really inside of it, but you can take a boat over to it and go inside.

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16894 posts

Burg Eltz is on the Mosel River, above Moselkern, so that would be a pretty different plan, to fit that in.